The new world

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(Herobrines' FoV)
I snuggled deeper into Nightys' chest, my white eyes closed. The long, white wings on my back were gone since the huge reset only a few months ago. Since that day everything changed tho. The overworld was in war, the Aether was trying to rebuild itself with the help of millions of angels, and the Nether king was ill. But Nighty and I didn't really care in our little wooden house in the middle of the forest in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the overworld.
Speaking of which, he gently petted my hair, causing me to start purring like a cat. We were both sitting on the sofa in the living room, cuddling each other. Everything was silent, only my soft purrs were heard in the house that only contained me and him. Nighty sighed as he continued petting my hair. I raised my head and looked at him. "What wrong, Nighty?" "It's just that... Since the world got reseted everything feels different and really, really, really wrong. Notch and the others never showed up once and I'm slightly worried that they could be in danger or even de-"
I knew what he wanted to say, so I just put my hand on his mouth and sat up, sitting on his lap now.  Due to that I was on the same height as him now. Nightmare let out a quiet growl as I went closer to his face. I flinched and went a bit back again, removing my hand. "What the hell was that one for?!", I asked. But he only rolled his black and white  eyes. "Stop interrupting me every time I'm trying to finish that one sentence!", he replied, his words sharper than a razor blade. I winced, my eyes widened a little bit. "Maybe I'm just trying to help you NOT think about that? We both know that they are strong enough to survive on their own, and that they are in a lot of stress right now. Of course they won't be comming so soon then.", I tried to say as soft as possible, but Nightmare growled. "Of course, why would you even care about them. Last time I checked you just wanted to be alone with me and not see the others." A knot appeared in my throat, but I swallowed it harshly. "I just want to be a little bit alone with you, just so we can get our relationship back. And I do care about them, after all they're my friends. But it isn't necessary to think every second about them, since we can really do anything for them now.", I said calmly, my voice slightly cracking. Well, that was just great. A fight in the first couple of months. "Just, why don't you want to try? You don't seem to even want to be near them ever again. And I definitely don't want to stay at one place, just to see everyone else die.", he replied, still sharp as a razor blade. "I don't want you to die just because you need to go out there. I don't think you're strong enough to-" He cut me off by slapping me. I fell off his lap, holding my cheek. Tears swelled up in my eyes as he suddenly hissed: "You think I'm too weak to survive a simple attack?!" I winced heavily, tears rolling over my cheeks as I tried to explain. "The reset wasn't so long ago and we're all still very weak since-" He cut me off again. "Oh, so you're really trying to keep me for yourself with this stupid argument? You don't care about them, you just care about yourself, don't you? What a pathetic asshole do you have to be to be so self-" This time he cut himself off, his eyes widened. I stood up and ran into the bedroom, locking the door immediately as soon as I was in there. I slid down the door, my back pressed against it, and curled up.
We all had quite the ruff time, yet does he really think such things about me?
I started to cry, my head put on my arms.
It doesn't matter, it still hurts like hell.

(Nightmares' FoV)
I can't believe this just came out of me. I definitely didn't mean it this way, yet I'm really worried about them. But now I knew that I broke Heros' heart into a million pieces.
I took a deep, shaky breath. Then I stood up and went to our bedroom, carefully knocking on the locked door. I could see Heros' shadow right behind the door, yet he was completely silent. Only a few quiet sobs escaped his throat. "Hero, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said such things, no matter what. I completely misunderstood  what you wanted to say. I'm sorry. Please, unlock the door.", I said. The door stayed locked tho. With a deep breath I turned around, letting my back slide down until I was in a sitting position. "I'm sorry, Hero. I didn't want to break your heart like that. I'm just really worried that they could've died and we didn't do anything to save them.", I explained. The sobbing suddenly got louder, now I could actually hear it clearly. "Leave me alone, Nightmare.", he said with such a cracked voice that it was almost not understandable. My heart dropped for a second before I replied with a heavy sigh: "If you wish, Hero." I stood up and went into the kitchen, sitting down at the table. I put my head on both of my hands, staring with empty eyes at the place before me, right where Hero was usually sitting. But the place was empty, as well as the air wasn't filled with his scent of pines and fire. I gripped my black-brown hair and gently pulled it, trying to keep my emotions under control.
This wasn't the first time I snapped at him. But I never snapped in such a way. It wasn't his fault, he just tried to calm me down. To make my worries disappear.
I raised my head off my hands. Maybe if I bring him something I can regain his trust.
I took a piece of paper from the living room, as well as a pen. After a short hesitance I wrote something down, then I went to the cupboard he couldn't reach since he was a little bit too small and took a chocolate bar out of it. He loves those and it always works as an apologise. To make it look more like it came from my heart I went outside for a few minutes and picked a beautiful, dark red rose. I put it on a plate, as well as the paper and the chocolate. Then I took it, went to the bedroom and placed the plate in front of the door, making sure that he would see it if he were to open the door. The sobs had stopped, yet I still knew that he was crying.
I quietly knocked on the door and left, going back into the kitchen.

Only a few heartbeats later I heard the bedroom door unlock and the plate being taken into the room. The door was closed and locked again, but this time I heard no sobs, but the rustling of paper. Then there was a long silence. And finally I heard the door unlock again and him coming to the kitchen.
His head was lowered as he placed the plate with the chocolate and the rose on the table, only the paper was missing. He didn't say anything, he just went right towards me. I was leaning against the couter, my arms pressed against it.
Hero hugged me tightly, his arms wrapped around my belly. He put his head on my chest, his body shaking violently. He started to cry once again, his sobs muffled by my chest. I hugged him as well, rubbing circles on his back. "I'm sorry, Hero. I really am.", I whispered and he buried his head deeper into my chest.
After fifteen minutes I carefully lifted him up and sat him down on the kitchen counter. His eyes were slightly red and he looked like he cried for so many days. I gently dried his tears and rubbed over his slender arms. "Is everything alright now?", I asked quietly. Hero stayed silent, he only put his head against my shoulder. "It's not like I'm not worried as well, but I'm trying to stay as positive as possible. I don't want to imagine that anyone could be dead, because I know that they're all clever and nimble enough to survive. And if they really died, then... Well, I doubt it.", he mumbled, his voice tired, weak and raspy. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I started gently licking his neck, finding his soft spot immediately. He gripped my shirt and groaned quietly. I chuckled deeply and gently bit into his neck, drawing some blood. He whimpered quietly as I licked off the blood, letting it stay on my tongue for a few seconds to fully enjoy the taste. It was quite tasty, yet I didn't want to hurt him too much. Hero held me a little bit closer and started putting his weight onto me. Until he suddenly jumped down from the counter, clinging to me.
"The floor is lava.", he whispered. I winced playfully and sat on the table, him on my lap. He counted to three and grinned. "Seems like I wasn't quick enough this time.", he purred and wrapped his legs around my hips. I chuckled and hugged him tightly, rubbing over his back.
At least he forgave me for my stupidity.

1656 words.

What a great start for a great new adventure!!!
I'm happy if I see all of you guys that were reading the last book as well. Let me know if you are here as well by leaving a comment!
(Ok I sound like one of those YouTuber's)

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