Hidden Talents

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(A few weeks later, Nightmare and Bellatrix definitely noticed that Hero's gone.)
(3rd person FoV)
A dark shadow followed the trail through the forest, his purple eyes looking towards every sound possible. A long bow was in his right hand, multiple arrows in the quiver on his hip. He was hunting, trying to find some food.
A twig broke a few moments later, causing the hunter to raise his head and look towards the sound. He raised the bow and took an arrow from the quiver, silently pointing it towards the sound.
Completely silent he went towards the sound, then he shot. A loud screech went through the forest, then the animal collapsed. He immediately saw a second person, this time with red eyes. He went towards the dead moose the purple eyed male shot, and kneeled down next to it, looking for a pulse. As he didn't find one he started to smile and looked up at the other one. "Good job, Diego." "Thanks, father.", Diego said, lowering the bow in his hand. He hung it over the quiver. The father smiled gently. "Now it won't take too long until you're ready to finish your lessons.", he explained and messed up his sons' dark purple, short hair.
"HOLLOW!", someone yelled through the forest, definitely a female voice. "There you are! I was already worried that you weren't coming to get the food!", a female with long, orange hair said, her green eyes eyeing Hollow from head to toe. Hollow gave a little smile as he lifted the boy up onto his hip. "Well, Diego here just killed a moose. I guess that enough for a few days, isn't it, Alex?", he chuckled. "And not long and he's gonna be a big fighter like me." Alex let out a soft laughter before messing up her husbands hair. "It should be, yeah, but if you're so hungry again..." Hollow made a shocked face. "Me and being so hungry?! Darling, you don't know who you're talking about. It's this little one here who's so hungry!", he said in a played shocked way and poked Diego in the belly. He bursted out laughing and almost fell from his fathers' arm, but caught himself. "Don't, father!", he laughed and leaned on his shoulder. Hollow laughed slightly and used some magic to make the moose levitate after them. "Let's go home and get this deer ready to be eaten!", he said enthusiastic and went to their home, still carrying his son.
"And only thinking about food.", Alex mumbled with a grin, not loud enough for Hollow to hear. Then she followed him as well, locking her hand with his free one.

About thirty minutes later the moose was hanging on a near tree to bleed out, the leather was on a rope so that it could dry. Diego was in his room, listening to some music and reading a book.
Hollow went to Alex, who was sitting on a sofa, and sat down next to her, putting his arm over her shoulders and pulling her close. Alex leaned against his chest, smiling. "He's getting stronger and stronger every day, isn't he?", she asked. Hollow agreed with a chuckle. "Last time we had some training for his fighting abilities, he almost beat me, and I was giving my best!", he replied. "And that even tho you're stronger than Herobrines' husband Nightmare?", she asked. Hollows' smile fell. "Yes, even tho I'm stronger than him." He stood up, going towards the window. "I wonder if he's getting better or if they are even in this world after Herobrines' huge reset he did. I hope they are in more pain than in their last life.", he growled, looking out of the window of the house. "This son of a b-" He cut himself off as he noticed the boy standing in the doorway. "Father, are you fine? I've never seen you with so much anger.", he whispered. But Hollow smiled apologizingly. "Yes, I'm fine, Diego. I just thought about someone that I don't really like." Diego nodded slowly, his purple eyes resting on his fathers' red ones.
Diego was an Enderman-Hybrid. Neither the father nor the mother knew why, considering the fact that they were both human. Well not completely since Hollow counted as a demon, yet there was no Enderman in the family. And if there was, Hollow would know.
Anyway, Diego hugged the toy dragon he brought a bit tighter as he went closer to his father. "Who is that person you were talking about?", he asked. Hollow sighed. "Those are actually multiple persons, Diego. One of them is my biggest enemy, Herobrine. He's a big man with purely white eyes, kinda like mine, but only white. He's quite strong, but that is only because he can use real magic, not the things I'm doing. He can do stuff like teleporting, jumping from a stupid high building, be really clever and extremely nimble. While his husband, Nightmare is his name, can't teleport, but he's very strong and fast. And also he's quite tall, so he has that as an advantage.", he explained, lifting his son up. "But no worries." Diego nodded, hugging his father. "I think Herobrine is a nice name for a person, but not if he attacks so much." Hollow chuckled. "He sounds nice, yeah, but he's a fu- let's say he's a very, very bad guy. But you should go to bed now, Diego. And don't worry about them both. We'll keep you save from them." Diego nodded and Hollow gently put him to the ground, smiling. "Good night, Diego."
"Good night, Mum and Dad!"
"Sweet dreams my little one."
Diego ran up the stairs and went into his room, closing the doors behind him. Hollow sighed and looked out of the window once more, trying to focus. "Last time we met them, it didn't go so good. I really don't want Diego to be hurt or involved, but then again, he will fight once against him, and I can't do anything against it.", he sighed, placing his forehead against the window. "Oh god, what should I do?", he whispered. The love and care for his son was way stronger than the hate against Herobrine and Nightmare, yet he had to finish them off before something bad would happen.
Alex came over and rubbed over Hollows' shoulders, trying to calm him a bit down. "I should've never attacked them!", he groaned, his voice barely audible. "I grew so attached to Diego... I can't risk losing him as well! Not after I lost Herobrine..." Alex flinched. "You're his father?", she asked, her voice filled with confusion. "He was a demon, and I was scared at that time! I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing, so I left Bellatrix with him! This was probably the start of this fucking dilemma..."
Hollow was close to crying. He made so many fucking mistakes, and now he had to sit through them, do nothing and see how his son was getting slaughtered by his enemy and own, older son! He couldn't believe that this was happening to him, and he definitely didn't wish that for anyone. He never experienced such a fear about someone that was close to him...
Alex turned him towards her so she could look into his eyes. Despite of the fact that he was two head taller than her, she could easily take the control over him whenever it's necessary. She gently rubbed over his cheek, smiling. "Honestly, I doubt that he will attack Diego. And even if, we'll both fight against them. Together.", she said calmingly, holding Hollows' hands tightly. "And no matter what, we'll be able to fight any enemy back." Hollow smiled a little bit, catching new hope. It was already dark outside as he and Alex hugged each other, sharing a tender kiss.

1325 words

Like I said, Special chapter. Seems like Hollow isn't such a bad guy then, or Alex just fixed him.

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