Mental Problems

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(The reason that there aren't as many descriptions about the persons, it's because I want you guys to have a freedom to decide who looks like what. Tell me how you think they look alike~ XD)

(A few days later)
(Nightmares' FoV)
I pulled a grey pullover over my head and looked worriedly at Hero. We were back at our home, but he stayed quiet all the time and is only sitting in one corner, curled up like a ball and pale like paper. He didn't even bother standing up to get some food or go to bed, so I had to persuade him to come to bed. And if he did, he just curled up and stared outside the window at the stars. Sometimes, if I just came home, I could hear Hero talk to Steve, even tho he was nowhere to be seen.
Since Steve's death, Hero changed. A lot. And that not in a good way.
I took a deep breath and sighed. "You know what? I don't care of what you say now, but we'll go to a therapist. You're ill, Hero, and only sitting in that corner and wait until Steve might show up won't help you. Either, you go take a shower and get done yourself, or I will do it for you.", I threatened, but I still kept as careful as possible with him. Hero hesitated, now he actually seemed to listen to me. Then he finally stood up and went silently and powerlessly into the bathroom, grabbing a towel.
With a quiet sigh I went into the kitchen, waiting until he gets done.

One hour later he finally came downstairs, now looking a little bit better. His hair was still messy as all fuck, yet it was fluffy again. And he didn't seem as pale anymore. In the meantime I already got the phone number and the address from his old therapist where I sent him after we saved him from Bellatrix.
Of course, he knew the way, but I wouldn't let him go by himself. In the condition he is, that would be way too dangerous. So I left with him. After I grabbed my keys, we went on our way. Notch already knew where I was going with Hero now, and he'll wait there for us.

About forty minutes later we arrived at the doctor's office, where Notch was waiting in front of the door. He immediately jogged over to us and stopped, looking at me and Hero. He was silent all the time, and even as I tried talking to him, he stayed still.
"Hey. Wow, I never expected anyone to be hit so brutally by this event! Everyone was sad and Chishiki, June and Violette were actually down for a few hours, but they caught themselves again.", he explained, looking at Hero. He gently ran his fingers through said demons' hair, then he softly hugged him. Hero stayed unmoving, putting his head against Notchs' chest. "You have to miss him so much, right?", he whispered. Hero nodded slowly before removing his head again. I sighed before going to the door. "I'd say we go in. After all, I really don't want Hero to be so sad anymore." Notch agreed and together we went inside.
I immediately went with Hero and Notch to the reception, waiting for the receptionist to concentrate on us. She was in a phone call, so I decided to rub over Hero's cheek, causing him to look up at me. Finally he reacted, yet he was still silent.
The receptionist hung up and wrote something down before looking at me with a soft grin. "Alright. Now it's your turn." I smiled back at her and replied: "We want a meeting with the doctor. It's about my boyfriend Hero." The receptionist nodded. "I'd need the full name and the birthday." I took a deep breath. One thing I always forgot was the year of when Hero was born. But before I could react Hero suddenly answered himself. "Absentia Nóctèr, first of June, 1998. Age 22." The receptionist typed it into her computer before asking: "You were here already a few times, correct? Because of abuse and depression, as well as major suicide risk." I nodded. "Correct." The receptionist typed a few more things into her computer before smiling. "You're lucky. The doctor has some time for you now. If you'd just go into room 3, she's in there." I thanked her and together we went to room 3. Right before we opened the door, I took a deep breath and looked at Hero. I took him by his shoulders and deeply looked into his eyes. "You know what you have to do, Hero. Let her help you. She will be able to.", I said calmly. Hero nodded slightly and together we went inside.
The doctor was already waiting for us. She looked up at us, then she put her pen away she was playing with (no, not like Yuri.) and gestured us to sit down. We did, Hero between Notch and me.
The office was quite nice. Multiple bookshelves were standing around, making the office seem more like a library. The windows had beautiful red curtains next to it.
She looked at her computer for a moment before sighing quietly. "Well, I hoped we wouldn't have to see each other again, Absentia. What is it this time?", she asked softly. Hero stayed silent, playing with his thumbs. So I was the one to reply. "A few days ago there was a situation, in which his brother... You know..." I couldn't finish this sentence because Hero already started to tremble. A bit worried I put my arm over his shoulders, rubbing his right arm carefully. Notch took his hand and softly rubbed over it. The doctor swallowed a little bit, understanding. "Oh. Uhmm... I'm sorry for you, Absentia.", she said to Hero before she turned back to me. "What kind of symptom or behavior has he shown since that incident?" I thought about it for a few moments. "Eating disorder, he sits unmoving in a corner, talks to his brother even tho he isn't there, cries much, stays silent all the time, doesn't react on anything... Oh and barely sleeps.", I enumerated, using my fingers to do so. The doctor nodded and write everything down. "Did he have indications of depression, like cutting, attempted suicide or the want to just end his life?", she asked, gazing at Hero who still sat there, not making a single sound. I shook my head. "Not that I know of." She wrote my answer down before turning to Hero. "Do you feel any of said symptoms, Absentia?", she asked carefully. Hero shook his head slightly. "Alright. I'd say, I give you some antidepressants that your friend has to give you, and you have to think positive about this. Your brother is at a better place now, and he's still here, watching over you. If you remember the good times, you will feel less pain and one day you'll be able to think about it and know, that he's save now.", she explained calmly and smiled at us. Hero nodded slowly, staying silent and just looking down.
The doctor gave me a little box with some pills and I put it into the pocket of my jacket. "How many does he need a day?", Notch asked. "Only one, and only if he's as sad as now. Careful: the overdosing of the antidepressants can be deadly, even if it's just one too much. And he isn't allowed to drink anything alcoholic if he took them.", she explained. Notch and I looked t each other before nodding. I turned back to the doctor. "Alright. Thank you.", I said, standing up. Hero did the same and together we left the office.

A few hours later Notch, Jeb, Entity, Null, the girls and me were sitting in the living room. Notch and I decided to try the antidepressants on Hero, and now he actually seemed happier. He was currently in the kitchen, making some cookies for us.
"Say, Notch, is there a way to maybe, just maybe make Steve respawn?", Null asked carefully and quiet, just in case Hero could hear him, yet he definitely couldn't because he just started to whistle a way too familiar meme-tune. Notch sighed and shook his head. "If there was, I'd do anything just to make Hero happy again. But there isn't. I already tried, but as soon as I open Steve's code, the complete system starts to bug out on me and my computer crashes. I even tried it with the master computer, but even that one failed. In desperately trying to find the issue, but I just can't. No one can.", he explained, definitely worried as he looked into the direction of the kitchen. "But sometimes I just wish I can change his code so he isn't so sad.", he added whispering.
In this moment Hero came in with a backing tray, holding it in his hands. He smiled and put it in the table before sitting down next to me. I smiled at him and gently took his hand, taking a cookie and putting it into his mouth. He bit into it with a soft chuckle before grabbing it with both hands, eating it. The others grabbed a cookie as well, eating it. Hero earned a lot of positive reviews which made him smile brightly. We spoke about some things and Hero talked with us, just like Steve's death never happened.

In the evening, when everyone was gone, I could actually feel that Hero's mood dropped again. He looked around as if he was searching for something, or let's say, for someone. But after five minutes he gave up and got dressed into his pyjama before laying down next to me in bed. It didn't take long until he hugged me, causing me to smile and put the blanket over us. Hero snuggled deeper into my chest, and I wrapped my arms around him. Together we fell asleep, both very tired but somewhat happy about something.

A few hours later I woke up from some quiet whimpering. I tiredly sat up and looked over at Hero, only to see that he was curled up, trembling like crazy. A bit confused I put my hand on his shoulder, causing him to wince heavily. "Hero, what's wrong?", I asked him with a quiet and soft voice. Hero sniffed a little bit, but didn't reply. Suddenly I noticed that he was completely asleep. Very careful I tried to wake him up, but failed. Hero mumbled in his sleep, his voice filled with fear.
"Steve? Steve! Please, don't leave me! Steve! Come on, wake up!", he whimpered, trying to grip something. I put my hand into his, causing him to grab it tightly and cry into it. I was really worried now, so I carefully grabbed my mobile with my other hand, unlocking it and dialing Notchs' number. "Notch, you have to come asap. Hero's talking in his sleep, and it's about Steve.", I said as calm as possible. Then I hung up. Only a few moments later I heard the door unlock with the keys I gave Notch, just in case. Then he came upstairs after a few heartbeats. He gently opened the door and came into the room. I sat up, making it seem less awkward, and showed him to come to me and stay silent. He did and listened to Hero's mumbling. His expression changed from confusion to realization and then to pure worry. His gaze drifted over to me. "Does he do that often?", he asked whispering. I shook my head. "Yeah, but this is the first time since many months!", I replied, trying to be as quiet as him. Hero mumbled something tiredly, then he went completely silent. Only a few moments later he suddenly woke up with a loud scream. He sat up in shock, looking around in fear. His body shook violently as he looked at me, before he suddenly collapsed into my arms, crying. I caught him and held him close, trying to calm him down. But Hero couldn't be calmed down. He gripped my shirt frantically, scared that I would be ripped away. Digging his face into my chest, he sobbed loudly, almost being unable to breathe.
"Shhh. Calm down. Everything is alright.", Notch whispered, sitting down next to him. He gently put his hand on Heros' back, trying to help me calm him down. Hero's sobs went silent for a few moments as he tried to regain his oxygen. Then he softly gripped my back.
"H-He's gone... He didn't w-wait for a-anyone. He just w-went a-away! With n-no goodbye or a-anything! I-I hope it's n-not my f-fault!", he whimpered, curling up in my arms. Notch pulled his hand away before he took a deep breath. "It's not your fault, Hero. Everybody has to go once, but he didn't have time to say goodbye.", he replied calmly, looking at Hero. Said man nodded slowly before he broke down again.

2200 words.

Poor Hero. And poor me, I'm back and no one reads the other chappys ) : I'm beginning to think that this might have been a bad idea to continue the saga.

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