Game : 5

31 2 120

(Hello everyone ! It's been a while don't you think ? Anyways , this may publish even later , because when I opened the game it had crashed and I had to remake it just like it was . The only thing that changed was the pictures so if you want to see the new ones tell me in the comments , because it's time to start the game !)

The Bloodbath

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds

Netherlands as much food as he can

Denmark stays at the cornucopia for resources 

Hungary grabs a backpack , not realizing it is empty (YASS THE UNLUCKY BACKPAC TRIO IS ABOUT TO STRIKE AGAIN XD)

Italy throws a knife into Estonia's head (0.0 L-Let me check the d-death r-rate ... *checks death rate* I-It's low ... Is that 2p! Italy ??? Poor Estonia ... We didn't even start day 1 and he died ... By Italy ...)

Lithuania finds a backpack full of camping equipment (THE LUCKY BACKPACK TRIO IS ABOUT TO STRIKE AGAIN XD)

Moldova shoots an arrow at Sweden , but misses and kills Wy instead (0.0 L-Let me double check the d-death rate ... It's still low ....... Romania where are you ???)

Croatia runs away from the cornucopia

Austria finds a bow , some arrows and a quiver

Latvia stabs Australia with a tree branch (*nervous* WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WHY IS EVERYONE DYING SO EARLY ??????????)

Vietnam runs away from the cornucopia

Switzerland takes a spear from inside the cornucopia

Serbia takes a sicle from inside the cornucopia 

Cuba grabs a backpack and retreats (We only need 1 more person and the lucky backpack trio will be completed !)

Belarus runs away from the cornucopia

England scares Russia away from the cornucopia (Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..................I think it should have been the opposite .................... Clearly the opposite .................)

Seychelles runs away from the cornucopia

Turkey runs away from the cornucopia

Prussia runs away from the cornucopia

New Zealand runs away from the cornucopia

China grabs a backpack and retreats (*fangirls* YASSS THE LUCKY BACKPACK TRIO IS COMPLETED ! So it's Lithuania , Cuba and China !)

Sealand , Germany and Iceland get into a fight . Germany triumphantly kills them both (Wha-Germany and Italy have taken this so seriously ........ And now Sealand and Iceland won't live to experience day 1 ... Bug , that's creeping me out , why are they so violent ??? And I still can't believe that it's Iceland AND Sealand , I mean ........... That's a huge concicdence . And I know I killed the spelling.)

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