chapter 11

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Hannah's pov

I see him bends down and touched the ice with both of his palm before he starts to glides across the ice rink.

He went to the side and seems to have quite a serious discussion with someone who is probably his coach at the side.

There's a few people skating at the rink too gliding so gracefully and the grinding sound from the bite of their blades along the ice can be heard.

This place is quite chilly too. I should probably wear warmer clothes if I'm coming here next time. I laughed at my own thoughts for a second. As if there's a next time.

My eyes wandered around the whole place trying to absorb as much as I can into my orbs. There are so many mirrors on the wall and flags that are hung on the ceiling.

My ears perked up when I heard a very familiar sound of piano started playing through the speaker and my eyes lands on Yuzu who is currently in the center of the rink already in a ready position to start his routine.

He's looking down and was so immersed in the music. His body started to move with the rhythm of the piano hitting every single note elegantly as if he was one with the music.

I was so mesmerized by his performance and don't even dare to blink my eyes just so I won't miss out anything.

He jumps and spins mid air and land on one toe effortlessly in under a few seconds. I gasp softly and was captivated by his subtle but strong movements around the ice rink. I have to admit his performance drew me into another dimension.

All his movements match with the note of the piano precisely making it a more beautiful and a perfect performance to see overall.

I felt so much emotion watching him performing and was overwhelmed by how magnificent it was. I didn't even notice that tears roll down my cheek because I was reminded by some memories I couldn't forget about this particular piano piece.

He ended his routine with a graceful spin with his left hand high up in the air and made a final pose.

I can see him breathing quiet heavily and smiles widely when the sound of a bell that was ring by a guy echoes the whole rink.

I cheered and clapped for him excitedly because it was truly amazing! He glanced at me and smiled in relieve to see me being happy and bouncing up and down at the bench.

He glides to the side of the rink and embraced the guy he talked to before in a hug. The guy pats his back happily and ushered him to go and rest for a while.

He put on some protector on his blade before walking to me with a smile on his face. I can see him drench in sweat and is still slightly out of breath.

I quickly wipe off my tears to make sure he didn't notice that I kind of cried.

"oh my god that was soooo amazing yuzu! How on earth did you do that?!" I exclaimed excitedly and gave pass him his bottle to quench his thirst.

"well I just did" he breath out his word and gulping his drink. I can see his adam's apple moving up and down with a few sweat flowing down his neck.

Damn. That's attractive.

"is it really good though? You can let me know if you think I could add or improvise on anything" he says with a gentle smile.

"are you joking? That was nearly perfect! And I will tell you if I could think of anything but seriously this was my first time seeing a figure skating performance therefore, I couldn't really judge though". I said feeling embarrassed.

"I'll gladly teach you about this sport if you are willing to learn about it" he says sincerely. "its getting pretty late though, let me walk you to the subway station" he added after glancing at the clock.

I look at the clock. 7.00pm. time flies so fast huh. "alright if that's not a bother" I say shyly. I would love to spend more time with him to be honest.

"you're never a bother Hannah-chan, wait for me here while I change" he says and head to the locker room but not before he messes up my hair with a sly smirk on his face and left me in stunt.

After a few minutes of waiting, he came out wearing a jacket and changed his skates to a shoe. "alright I'm done! Lets go Hannah-chan"

OH MY GOD finally an update!! I have been writing this chapter for 3 days but it's a very slow progress. Sorry I couldn't update as frequently as I wanted and thank you for being patience with me 😊

Although its late but I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas!

Ill try my best to update soon.

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