#wtfock, 26/12, 19:02

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'Does your Instagram post already have likes?' Sander asks Robbe. They are walking along the beach, where they have spent the whole week with their friends. Unlike then it's raining now, but it's late December. It should be freezing.

'Of course, thousands. What else did you expect,' Robbe smiles. 'It seems people love gay love.'

Sander smiles too.

'Except...' Robbe goes on.

'Except what?' Sander asks.

'Except the people that beat us up that Friday evening.'

'We already discussed that,' Sander says annoyed.

'No, we didn't,' Robbe answers convinced. He's annoyed too now. 'Shit happens, you said, but that's not how I see it. Why didn't you want to go to the police?'

Sander sighs. 'I thought it was my fault.'

'Bullshit, Sander, it was not your fault.'

'I told you in school, where you found me that Monday before the Christmas holidays. I thought everything that I touched goes to pieces.'

'And you remember what I told you I hope.'

'Of course I remember,' Sander says. 'I will never forget. You're so sweet. Also I thought the police wouldn't believe us.'

'Sander, come on, there are camera's everywhere.'

'But aren't the files deleted yet?' Sander asks. 'It's five or six weeks ago.'

'Some keep the files up to two months. There is still time,' Robbe says. He really wants to stand with his point. If Sander doesn't agree Robbe will do it himself.

'Okay, I get your point. When we're back in Antwerp, tomorrow, we will go to the police. If that makes you feel better.'

'It does, yes. Thank you,' Robbe says in a soft way.

'Let's talk about a nicer subject now,' Sander says. 'We still have to eat something this evening. Let's go to that supermarket where we went that day. I want to do everything we did that day. So we go to that supermarkt now and we're going to make croques like I made them.'

'Okay,' Robbe says.

Robbe really is that person who never would make a quarrel. You have to push him very far before he gets angry. That's what Sander likes about him, but it also scares him. Robbe has to stand his ground when someone is pushing it too far.

'So what do we need to make croques like you make them?' Robbe smiles.

'Bread, tomato ketchup, butter... I'll show you in the supermarket.'

Sander kisses Robbe and lays his arm around his shoulder. In the other hand he still holds the umbrella to protect them from the rain.

#wtfock, Robbe + Sander the story continuedWhere stories live. Discover now