#wtfock, 29/12, 10:12

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'What's wrong?' Robbe asks Sander when he comes into his bedroom. Sander slept at home last night, because Robbe went out last night with Jens. If Robbe comes home late he wakes up Sander and during the day Sander is more at ease at home sometimes. Zoë doesn't make that much noise, it's rather Milan with his one night stands. It's also, if Robbe and Sander are together they barely can leave each other for an hour. At least Sander. Although Robbe can be very clingy he can let Sander study when that's necessary.

'Can you hug me and hold me tight please?' Sander asks. He looks sad, afraid too, he looks like he didn't sleep that much.

'You're in a bad episode again?' Robbe never calls it a "depressive episode" or "manic episode". That's too heavy in his opinion. They both know enough when they look at each other.

'I'm never ever letting you go,' Robbe assures Sander. 'Didn't you take your pills yesterday?' Robbe doesn't like to ask that, he feels like an over-concerned mother when he does, but he has to ask it. He promised Sanders mother and sister to take very good care of him. He wants to take care of him. Although Sander is at home now his mother called Robbe and asked to come over. Robbe is the only person who can make Sander really feel at ease.

'Did you already take your medications for today?' Robbe asks.

Sander shakes his head from left to right. 'No,' he says.

'Okay, we're doing that now.' Robbe normally is a soft, sweet person, but when it comes to Sanders medications he has to be pushy sometimes. Not always, Sander doesn't want to feel treated like a child again. They've done it enough to him.

That's the hard part for Robbe about Sanders disease. When Sander seems to feel well everything is nice. Robbe has learned by now he has to pay attention when Sander seems to feel too well. But he still has to learn when he has to be pushy and when it's not necessary. He already annoyed Sander about that.

Sander takes his medications with a glass of water.

'Sorry but... Open your mouth please,' Robbe commands Sander. He has to make sure Sander swallowed all of them and doesn't keep them on his tongue to spit them out again when Robbe is not watching.

'Good. You're doing great,' Robbe says. He gives Sander a kiss and hugs him again for a few minutes.

'How was it with Jens yesterday evening?' Sander asks while they are in each other's arms.

'Very nice. But you know I always miss you when you're not with me.'

'That counts for me too,' Sander says with a little smile. 'Will Jens join us to that LGBT party in Bonaparte for New Year's Eve?'

'Shht, minute by minute,' Robbe hushes. 'But yes, he will join us. Just like Zoë, Milan and of course Zoë's friends. Jens will also ask Moyo and Aaron and Amber. They didn't know yet what they would do. They have to be at Ambers family for dinner first.'

'That's good to hear. It will be nice,' Sander says. 'Can you please stay here this afternoon?'

'Yes, I will stay,' Robbe assures Sander. 'I'm going nowhere. I let my parents know I won't make it to them this afternoon or that I might visit them this evening.'

'Thank you. I'll try to study a bit now,' Sander says while taking his school books. When Robbe watches Sander he only feels deep love.

Robbe grabs his phone to call his parents.

#wtfock, Robbe + Sander the story continuedWhere stories live. Discover now