~Chapter 26~ |Stakeout Breakout|

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Y/N P.O.V.

"Does everyone understand the plan?" I asked.
"Can you repeat the plan one more time? " Bendy asked. B/F/N face-palmed.
"Okay, so first, Mugman is going to get a guards outfit and pretend to bring Bendy into the insane asylum. While that goes on, B/F/N will sneak in. When the coast is clear, she'll signal us. I'll find the cell Cuphead's in on my laptop and will signal Felix when he can go. It's then all up to Felix to lockpick the lock and bust Cuphead out. Once he does, Cuphead will laser the stalled guards and we will escape. NOW does everyone understand the plan?" Everyone nods. "Okay, let's go!"

(Le time skip, brought to you by: THE ESCAPISTS AND JACKIE CHAN)

Third Person P.O.V.

Mugman and Bendy pulled up in a van.
"Do I really have to shoot one of these guys?" Mugman asked.
"Yes! Now, help me with the straight jacket." Mugman helped Bendy with his straight jacket and carefully shot one of the guards. Mugman quickly took the guard's uniform and put it on himself. Coincidently, it fit perfectly. Bendy pretended to squirm around in Mugman's grip as they approached the other two guards.
"You the new guy?" One of the guards asked. Mugman nodded. Bendy snarled at the guards.
"We'll let you in right away." The second guard said opening the door for Mugman and Bendy.
"W-wait! Where is there an open cell?" Mugman said trying desperately to stall. B/F/N crept behind the two guards as they explained the rules to Mugman.
"Caw Caw! Caw Caw!! Fiiiagrooo!" ( Heheh, references to Robots, a movie probably no one has seen) B/F/N called out. Meanwhile, in the bushes, Y/N hacked into the assylum's security. From there, she found out which cell Cuphead was in and told Felix.
"He's in cell 118." She said. Felix nodded and dashed past the arguing guards.
"Did you even listen to what I said!? You put him in room 119, after you enter the cell dorms! " The guard barked. Felix ran into the cell dorms to everyone asleep. He tapped on Cuphead's cell.
"Cuphead! Wake up!" Felix whispered. Cuphead rubbed his eyes.
"A-are you here to bust me out!?" He whispered to Felix. Felix nodded. He pulled out two bobby pins from behind his ear and started picking the lock. The lock popped open and Cuphead kicked it down for dramatic effect. Surprisingly, none of the cell-mates woke up from the super obnoxious sound of the cage door falling to the ground. They both ran through the halls. Cuphead powered up his laser and shot both guards in one hit.
"Cuppy!" Mugman exclaimed. They ran towards each other, Cuphead spinning Mugman around.
"Oh, how I missed you!"
"Sorry to break it to ya but there are more guards likely to be coming." Y/N said. They all ran together into the sunrise.

Hope you enjoyed!

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