Car Chase

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Maze and Zip drive down the road in the all too familiar, light blue BMW 3 series .

On the right side of the road, somebody is getting into position, laying on the soft wet grass with what looks to be a modified Rocket Fishing rod from the old 'as seen on TV commercials.' He pulls the trigger and it shoots a pointy metal bit like a grappling hook, poking into the tire of a tan Sedan, piercing the rim along with it. The car starts skidding to the right but can't break free of the line. The fishing rod is bolted into the ground like a dog stake as it pulls the car closer, turning every which way, blocking the road.

Zip slams on the brakes as Maze looks on, confused. The street is smoking from the struggle and unnatural steering of the car. Without a second thought, Zip jumps out to check on the person. He opens the door and asks the lady if she's ok, when he hears a skid behind him. He looks back to see his car driving away. He races after it.

He catches up before it gains enough momentum to speed up and grabs the trunk and opens it. Luckily the back was unlocked. He hops in, practically rolling, squeezing through the middle, pushing the seats down with the lever. 


Riding down the same road starts a little tune followed by singing "See that girl, barefootin' along, Whistlin' and singin', she's a carryin' on. There's laughing in her eyes, dancing in her feet; She's a neon-light diamond and she can live on the street."  It's Steve, singing along to Golden Road. "Hey-ey! Isn't that Maze's car? Huh, wonder where they're off to..." He takes a closer look. "Why is the trunk open? I mean I don't see anything in there. Is Zip really that dense?" He decides to follow the car out of suspicion.

Zip can see the front seat, noticing a man with spiked dark brown hair, driving. He looks over and sees Maze is asleep, something happened! He decides to grab the wheel, causing the guy to slam on the brakes and Zip to stumble. That stumble left enough of an opening for the man to punch him then press on the accelerator again. Zip pulls himself back up, opening the console compartment and grabbing a dart gun from it. He's learned his lesson not carrying around a weapon in the car after the ambush at the base.

He aims it at the driver but to no avail as the driver just grabs the end and moves it away from his face before Zip has a chance to fire. Zip pulls back on the gun, to provide resistance but then loosens his grip, surprising the driver long enough for Zip to pull his arm around his neck and the headrest. The man, with eyes still on the road, speeds up then swerves onto an exit on the right. Being swung back by force, Zip's stranglehold only gets tighter. The darker haired man lets go of the wheel and turns Zip's hand back, causing the gun to fire. It hits Zip's abdomen causing him to let go. Before anything else, the man grabs the gun, looks back, and shoots Zip again, this time in the leg.

"What is going on in there?" Steve asks, watching the car pass right through a red light. Steve takes another look at the light to see it's not just red anymore, it's all the colors, flashing and changing rapidly. "Maze? Something's going on..." He begins thinking. "There's another person!" He realizes, speeding after them.

The man starts driving to a bridge then pushes Zip out of the open hatch. He bounces and rolls helplessly onto the pavement, grunting and groaning, as cars pass. He made new darts that paralyze but still keep the victim awake. Luckily this also means he can't feel any pain except for his face. 

Just then a car stops long enough to grab Zip and throw him in the car then speed off again. "STEVE!" Zip says. "Fill me in." 

"Not much to go off of but here goes-"


"-and I might have a fractured jaw." Zip says, finishing his recollection. "Geez." Steve exasperates. 

He speeds up to catch up with the man, taking a hard left down a one way street, Steve follows, drifting along, behind him is a bus that slams the breaks. Screaming, the tires swerve before taking off again.

"Take a vacation, fall out for a while,

Summer's comin' in, and it's goin' outa style.
Well lite up smokin' buddy, have yourself a ball.
Cause your mother's down in Memphis, won't be back 'till the fall.

"Hey hey, hey, come right away"

The two cars come to a four-way intersection, the man in Maze's car speeds to take a right but makes a U-turn as soon as Steve gets behind him, creating enough of a gap between the two to go the other direction.

'Come and join the (party every day)'

"Finally!" Steve says, ducking his head a little and looking eagerly at the car ahead of him, copying its every movement. Steve knows this town a little too well to be caught off guard by some of the bumps and curves in the road, he just races right through 'em.

The car makes its way down a hill, with the exhaust suddenly blasting as the man drives off a bridge at the bottom and onto an uncharted sewer plane.

The song ends as Steve skids to the edge where the broken rail guards are. He smacks the steering wheel then takes a deep sigh. "Work on it." He mutters to himself as Zip slumps his head into his shoulder. 

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