snotlout x reader ; jealousy

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(this will take place during HTTYD 3, and instead of a ring I decided there would be a betrothal bracelet since metal was more precious than jewels in this time)

Snotlout had never felt inferior, in fact, he felt superior to all the other vikings in the village. He was strong, handsome, smart, and had the best significant other that Berk had ever seen. Did he mention how handsome he was? 

They had just returned from a raid on dragon trappers, and slid off of Hookfang, escorting his lovely fiance off of their Skrill. "Hey, you were pretty hot out there.",Snotlout joked and elbowed him/her/them playfully. Y/N rolled their E/C eyes and couldn't help but grin. "You're one to talk, remember to fire proof your pants next time dummy." The memory of him trying to showboat on Hookfang popped up in their mind and made them laugh. "Such a goober.

Eret appeared before the two, delighting in Y/N's presence. "There you are! I have your ax you asked for, took forever to mend after that fight but it's as good as new." The ex-dragon trapper beamed at Y/N, to which they gave a kind smile back. "Thanks Eret, how much do I owe you?" Eret glanced at Snotlout who was giving him a nasty look. "Oh, not sure. A small smooch? Hah, just kidding. It's on the house." At his remark, Snotlout nearly blew up at him. It took a reassuring squeeze from his soon-to-be spouse's hand to stop him from blowing up on Eret. 

After getting their ax, Snotlout and Y/N left the scene. It was strange, because Snotlout was silent, and that was very uncommon. They returned to their shared home overrun with dragons on the roof, and Snotlout slammed the door shut. Y/N sat on the couch, and Snotlout stomped his feet, throwing his helmet to the side and placing his head in his/her/their lap. "You know he's only joking darling.",Y/N began to run their nimble fingers through his hair. He made a grumbling sound and stayed quiet. Y/N sighed and leaned back into the yak fur-cushioned chair. They raised their arm and proudly displayed a silver bracelet with markings similar to the Jorgenson's crest. "Last time I checked, I was betrothed to you. I have no interest in Eret, or anybody but my big, strong, handsome viking husband. There's nobody better in this whole village than you." At this, Snotlout rolled over to where his face was towards the ceiling so he could also peer at his future spouse. "Yeah, I am pretty great aren't I?" Y/N grinned and kissed his forehead. "Of course you are." 


The village had just moved to New Berk, well not officially. Y/N was trying to set up a tent, but was sort of struggling. Their Skrill was full of nervous energy, and continued to bump into them. They sighed and rubbed their temples. "D/N, please stay still! I'll never get this up if you keep digging up the spikes.",they tried to bargain but the dragon didn't listen. A stick was thrown, and D/N chased after it, giving Y/N time to try and put the tent up. "Need a hand?",An English voice popped up behind them, and Y/N sighed. "Please." At this, Eret began to hammer in the spikes and lift the logs up to make a decent sized tent. "There, big enough for two I guess.",he joked. 

A few feet away, Snotlout had officially lost it. He cleared his throat, and the two of them turned. His face was red down to his neck, and steam practically bellowed out of his ears. "Listen here,",he began. He stood up on one box, then a barrel. He now towered over the 6'4 man. "I'm sick and tired of you pursuing MY wife/husband! As you can so CLEARLY see,",he raised his arm up to show an identical band to Y/N's. "We're not breaking up or going anywhere, so stop inserting yourself in our relationship and find someone else to harass. She/he's MINE." Snotlout was seething with anger. Eret put his hands up, and took a step back. "My apologies, I didn't know you were engaged." The ex-dragon trapped walked off and shook his head. "What a strange little man." 

Y/N looked shocked, knowing Snotlout was ballsy, but not that ballsy. He climbed down from the barrel and approached Y/N, his cheeks still a little red from how mad he was. He gently grabbed their face and feverishly pressed his lips against hers/his/theirs. Y/N kissed back enthusiastically, and pulled away for air a little later. Snotlout seemed a little embarrassed, but Y/N doubted he would apologize for his jealousy

"Hey, you were pretty hot out there.",Y/N teased and kept their arms around his shoulders. "Maybe you should get jealous more often." 

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