Will you never trust me?

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Word count: 1947

• Tony Stark

The dream carried on.

The eyes in front of him were filled with rage. The hatred was evident in both his eyes and his body movements.

Then the shield came down, and made contact with his ac reactor. Straight in his heart.




Dead?                   Not quite.

He remembered he pain. The torture of going through those few minute again- reliving them in so much detail that it was painful. It was breaking him again. The tears fell even though he was uncontious.

He woke and jumped up. He quickly wiped his eyes dry and tried to ignore the fact that the dream had broken him again.

'Stark men are made of iron - stark men do not cry."

His fathers words echoed in his mind, making him tightly squeeze his yes shut, trying to stop the tears again. He couldn't Believe the 'perfect man' his father always spoke of was the one to finally break him - the first person to make him cry. He didn't even cry at his parents funeral.

But it was 'captain America' that broke him. Yeah .... his father would be proud.

Because steve was always better than toy while he s growing up. He was the man he was always compared to, the man who was always better than him, the man who put tony in his shadow denying him any light in his fathers eyes. But his mother never met steve, maybe that's why she adored tony so much.

Steve may have denied him of a supportive father, but he could never had taken his mother from him....

Yet ... he did.

He didn't tell him that his mother was killed by icky during his winter soldier days. He knew it wasn't his fault- he was brainwashed- but the thing that hurt him the most was that steve knew and didn't tell him.

That was him mother- the only person to ever love Tony- and Steve took that from him too.

And he hated him.

Then when the parcel arrived he dint open it for months. He could bring himself to do it. He would stare at it at night, and wonder why steve would reach out to him, what would be his selfish reason. He knew if he wanted to do it properly, and be reasonable when he did do it, he would need to forgive him a bit first.

So, after 5 months, he looked down at the unopened parcel and decided that it was time.

He picked up his pocket knife and cut open the top, not caring about the packaging. He turned it upside down so the contents could spill out over his desk. A phone and a letter.

"If you need us . . .. if you need me. . . . I'll be there."

Of course he needed Steve. He was one of his best friends, as well as everyone else who had left him. He read the letter only once before burning it. He watched as the flames consumed   The olive branch Steve had given to him to mend their relationship - but tony stark was a Brocken man, nothing could save him now.

Months went by and everything seemed better. 'Ironman' and 'the avengers' were long forgotten, and anything to do with that old life was burnt or destroyed. Tony felt happier. In fact he had never felt so happy in his life. He had overcome yet another devastating  catastrophe and lived another day. He felt like he had achieved something. His company was thriving and he had Rhodes by his side as he was now able to walk again thanks to

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