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My alarm starts going crazy. I jump out of bed. "Ugh" I sigh. "great, another night of crazy dreams".

By this time you are probably wondering who I am. My birth name is Tigerlily Rose Blair. I was adopted at the age of 1 and my foster parents changed my name to Sky Marie Blackwood. My adopted parents are Robert and Lindsey Blackwood. They are both 45 and I am almost 18. You will learn more about me later on, but for now, let's get back to my messed up life.

Putting on my classic school uniform,(at least I can throw in my own style) combat boots and a black leather jacket, pushing in my nose piercing, and snake bites. They cover my tattoos that I got from my gang-owned tattoo parlor and my scars from fights I lost, which isn't a lot and from cutting.

Walking down the stairs, after getting dressed, I contemplated asking my mom and dad about the dreams. They felt so real...almost like someone's mind was touching mine.

I stop to admire the roses, they are my favorite flowers, with my purple, yellow and red dead eyes. The roses started wilting in front of me and I felt like I was absorbing its life.

I looked away once they crumpled and freaked out as I ran downstairs my red hair that looks like flames that reached my lower back flew behind me.

I frantically search for my mom and dad and see them sitting at the table having breakfast and I rumbling about what happened. My dad looks up at me and says "calm down you need to go before you're late." he then passes me some breakfast. I take it and walk out of the house. I stand at the bus stop and wait for the bus since my motorcycle is in the shop because I was racing and somehow wrecked the bike.

As I am standing there, I felt eyes on me. I looked up from my phone and was thankful I did. The eyes that were on me belong to one piece of eye candy himself leaning against the tree across the street. He wore a shirt that clung to his body, showing off his muscular biceps. He wore a leather jacket that sat on his broad shoulders. As I ran my eyes over his body, I noticed his skin was honey brown, and his lips looked plump and juicy, his nose as round as a button that made him look a bit childish, but the slight stubble on his face said otherwise. Oh, how I want to run my hands through his black, curly, silky hair. Finally, I looked at his eyes, which were dark brown, almost black, with specks of gold.

As I continue to drag my eyes over his body he whispers "Tigerlily," and it carries across the wind. I gasp quietly. How the hell does he know the name I was born with? The only people who know that is my best friend Becky, me and my parents.

He walked across the street and walked over to me. "Hi, I'm Mason. Would you like a ride to school?". You're probably wondering how we knew each other. We went to the same school even before we ever met. While the school uniform is very unique the girls wore a black shirt, either floor or knee-length and a blue polo shirt with some symbols that represent our state, city, and school Saint Munguos' Academy, and the guys wore black slacks and the same shirt, but me, not caring, changed the skirt shorter just before my ass and the shirt is more of a blue crop top. You will see why I never get into trouble later for being out of uniform and dress code. "My name is Sky and sure, why not?" I say with a smile.

We walk to his bike and I whistle "Sexy bike but mine is better. Let me guess; a Harley 1991 600cc." I stated, already knowing this. "Yeah," he says. "what's yours?". " 2017 FJR1300ES Yamaha. It's solid black with a red outline of a serpent." I respond, climbing onto the back. "Why a serpent?" he asked, climbing on. " you have to wait and find out," I respond, wrapping my arms around him so I don't fall off. After that, he started it up and headed to school.

We made it to school in 15 minutes, a drive that takes 35 minutes in a car. He drives fast but I normally get there in 12 minutes. " you wanna meet up and race later once my bike is done? I think I can beat you and we can make a fun bet... to make it interesting, of course."I challenge him with a smile that would make the devil cringe. "H-hell yeah!" he responds." See you later," he says as we go our separate ways.

I see my best friend Becky and run up to her just as Josh, our gay friend comes up. "hey guys," Josh and I say at the same time and burst out laughing. Josh and Becky turned to look at my outfit. " Wow, outfit on point, but how do you never get dress coded?"Becky says as I smile."We both know why. and that's because the principle fears our gang and it's leading me."

We start walking into the school and hear the school sluts that wore the tightest clothes they could and were way out of dress code (even more than me) talking about the new kid and how they hoped he was hot. I whispered to my friends " I met the new kid I rode on the back of his bike and he was hella hot." we all giggle when I say it.

The school bell rings ending our fun. I pull out my pack of cigarettes and lit one as we walk the halls to class on more year with Mr.Johnson or as everyone calls him Mr.Jackass. We walk into class and go to the back. "Sky put the cigarette out and class since I know who you talk to and who you don't, you are having assigned seats for your last year," he says with a devilish grin. I put my cigarette out with a sigh. We take our new seats (my seat is in the very back by the window with no one around me) and once we do the door opens and Mason walks in and everygirl about jumped out of the chair to attack, but me "Hey Sky" Mason said and smirked and I smiled. In return, everyone in the class looked between us. I laugh then turn my head slowly as my expression goes from happy to annoyed. "Don't y'all have something better to do." everyone looks down fast in fear. "Well, why don't you have a seat beside Sky. She can show you around and let's hope she doesn't corrupt you," Mr.Jackass rudely says. "She can't corrupt what is already corrupt," Mason chuckled.

Mason sits down beside me. We start having a whispered conversation just getting to know each other. The teacher starts talking about what this year is like then yells at everyone to stop talking. They all do besides me and Mason. "Mr.Carson, Miss Blackwood would you like to share your conversation with the class? Also, is my teaching disrupting your conversation?" Mr. Jackass says. I stand up and reply " No we would not like to share with the class and yes you are disrupting our conversation. You should really not be so rude." I finish speaking and take out my pack of cigarettes and light one.

"Miss Blackwood get out and wait in the hallway and Mr.Carson if you have something smartass to say to you can go wait with her." after he says that me and mason get up to leave and continue to talk on our way out.

Once we step outside we both take off our jackets. Mason turns and looks me up and down and notices my wrist and gasps. "Why did you do that?". "they are my coping mechanisms," I replied. "Why do you need coping mechanisms?" he asked. " I have been through things and this frees my mind and calms me down, so don't you dare judge me. It's who I am. no more questions," I reply almost yelling at him.

Our teacher walks out of class "Miss Blackwood would you like to go to the office and Mr.Carson do you want to join her?" "sure, why not," we say at the same time and burst out laughing. "Ok go then." our teacher says. We both take off heading to the ""office"". Once we round the corner and looked at each other and say at the same time "wanna ditch?" "This is kinda freaky us talking at the same time and saying the same thing," I say smiling "yeah it is," I heard him mutter like there was a reason behind why we talk at the same time.

I look up at him because he is a foot taller than me. When I did my hair fell in front of my eyes, through my hair curtain I saw his hand reach up to push it away from my face. He left his hands cupping my face and we stared into each other's eyes for a minute which felt like a million years. When we finally looked away I turned my head and felt my cheeks heating up in a mad blush and cleared my throat. " Um..we better go," he says awkwardly.

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