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'You think you're so clever, huh?' I said to Ryker, as I spotted him by his locker and stormed right over first the thing the next morning.

He turned to me as I stopped dead beside him and placed my hand on my hip, giving him a pissed off glare. His face remained blank apart from the slight raise of an eyebrow at my question.

'Good morning to you too, Flossy,' he said, his tone nonchalant as he slammed his locker and turned his back on me to walk away.

'Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about,' I said, quickly following him and walking beside him down the hall. 'You pulled something last night to stop Mason coming over to my place.'

'Now why would I do that?' Ryker asked, glancing around the hall as he spoke nonchalantly.

'I don't know!' I cried. 'Why don't you enlighten me?'

'Because I don't know what the hell you're rambling on about,' he replied, as he turned the corner and I continued to pace after him.

'Don't try and make me look crazy, Ryker,' I said, getting annoyed at him continuing to walk. I reached out and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back as hard as I could and he stopped and turned to look at me, the pair of us now stood still in the middle of the hall, Ryker finally looking at me. 'I know you did it on purpose and I want to know what the hell your game is.'

'I honestly just want to get to this class on time and avoid detention,' he said. 'Whatever you've got in your head is your problem, Flossy.'

'Stop calling me that!' I cried, causing a few students to glance our way as they passed.

'I'm really getting under your skin, aren't I?' Ryker said, a hint of a smirk forming on his face.

'You don't get under my skin; you could never bother me that much,' I said, my teeth almost gritted in vexation. 'I just want to know why you feel the need to be such an arsehole.'

'Okay,' Ryker chuckled. 'Last night I did call Mason and ask if I could stay at his place, I admit that. He, however, did not tell me he already had plans with you.'

'I told you!' I exclaimed. 'Just yesterday, I told you that! So don't lie, you knew!'

'Yeah, you're right, I did know,' he replied, letting out a smug breath of laughter. 'I'm just making a point of telling you that Mason didn't bother to mention he had plans with you. He simply dropped you like hot shit for his lifelong best buddy.'

'You're heading the right way for a knee to the balls, Ryker,' I muttered.

'Don't take it out on me,' he said, smirking as he held up his hands in defence. 'Speak to your boyfriend about it. He's the one who ditched you.'

'Because you manipulated him,' I said.

'Maybe,' he replied, his smirk becoming more defined now as his eyes flickered across my face. 'Anyway, nice chatting to you.'

He gave me a wink before pivoting slowly and walking away down the hall. I watched until he turned the corner and was out of sight, feeling the anger bubbling inside of me.

'Ugh!' I growled, out loud, throwing my head back in frustration before storming back up the hall to my first class. Luckily, I had Physics with Mason.

As soon as I got there, I spotted him in his usual seat in the middle row and he smiled as I approached my usual seat right next to him and slid into it.

'Morning babe,' he said, leaning in for a kiss.

I remained still and Mason sensed it immediately as he moved back and frowned at me.

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