Chapter One-Alone

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(A/N)-Artwork does not belong to me. All credit goes to the original creator.

((Y/N)'s POV)

You ran.

You ran.


You didn't know where you were going. The only thing you knew is that you could never go back from where you came.
Your senses were filled with the sounds of the rain pouring down from the sky.
You were cold. Your clothes were torn and covered in mud but you payed no attention to it. The only thing your mind was focused on is the thing chasing you. Nearly out of breath, you caught a glimpse of a house in the distance.

"Almost There. You can do it. Come on, you're better then this."

Your legs begun to shake. Suddenly you felt yourself getting dizzy. Not being able to go on any longer you felt yourself collapsing to the ground. The last thing you saw was a figure with an axe standing in the distance.

"This is it. I always knew we were going to go out this way. Lost, scared, and alone. Mom was right about us. Atleast we tried."

Slowly you closed your eyes and you breathing slowed down. Then everything went dark.

(Selozar's POV)

  Alone was making me cut down trees again for the fireplace while it was raining. He really just didn't want me a round. I knew he hated me, he's always hated me.
  Suddenly I heard the sound of a person running. I turned to see who it was expecting to see Uleanra being himself, but no. It was a strange girl running out of the woods.
  The girl looked very tired and scared. Poor thing. The person then collapsed onto ground. Assuming they were knocked out cold I slowly approached them.
  Looking at the girl closer I realized how extremely thin they were. They're (h/l) (h/c) was extremely tangled and their (s/c) skin was caked in dirt and mud.
  "How long have they been out here?" I asked myself. Then I decided to check their pulse. Still alive. I let out a sigh of relief. Might as well take them to the house.
  I picked up the poor being before heading back inside the house.

(Alone's POV)

   The sound of the front door startled me. That idiot.

"Why you not chop tree?!" I turned around to yell at Selozar only to see him holding...a very skinny girl.

"What is that filthy thing?!" I asked angrily.

"I-It's a girl." He flinched at my shouting.

"We no need  pet. We have Uleanra!" I gestures to the weird being spinning at inhuman speed in the corner.

  "I-I just thought-" He looked down and for a slight second I almost felt remorse. Almost.

  "Fine. You care for it on own."  I spoke grumpily. Great. Another person to feed. Selozar looked happy and it bothered me.

  "-But before you set in house you must clean it."

"But she's sleeping. I can't undres-"

"Do it or leave it outside." I walking away from Selozar and the disgusting thing he decided to bring into our home.

  This is the last time I let him have something.

((Y/N)'s POV)

  You woke up feeling well rested. You were sleeping on someone's couch. Wait...where were you. You slowly slipped off the couch and began to look around.
  You were wearing a very cozy pair of (f/c) pajamas. You wondered how you got them on but decided it would better to not dwell on it for too long.
  You saw a man spinning around in the corner. Maybe you shouldn't bother him...
  Walking into a nice looking dining room you noticed a locked up door.
  As you got closer to the door you started to small a strange stench, like something...rotting?

  Slowly you went to turn the knob and someone suddenly someone grabbed your wrists.

   "What you think doing?!" A man towered over you. He spoke in very broken English.

  "Uhm, I'm sorry!" Your wrist begin to hurt.

  "Stay away from bathroom. You no get in. You can't do anything about it." He freed your hand and you immediately went to rub it. He squeezed your wrist so hard it left a slight mark. You felt that this wasn't someone you should mess with.

  "So, who are you and how did I get here?" You asked still rubbing your wrists.

  "I am Alone. Do not be forgetting it, I am in charge of you. The only reason you here is because I saved life." Alone stated very proudly.

  Did he really save you? He seemed like the type who'd rather leave you to die, but since he was you savior you decided to be grateful for now. He could hurt you if you weren't.

Word Count: 799

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