Chapter 6 - Laughter and Butterflies

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(Alone's P.O.V.)

  There was something strange going on. Earthquakes were happening more frequently and they became worse by the second. There was also a huge storm outside which caused all the power and the lights had gone out but we quickly replaced the lights with candles.

  "Alone what's going on...?" (Y/N) muttered from undress the table from where she was hiding from the thunder. Poor thing, could've been scared of her own shadow. I sighed.

  "It's just a storm you can come out y'know." I spoke, she only shook her head no and curled into the ball.

  "Is she usually this...fearful?" Albert who had stayed over asked.

  "Yea, last week she ran from a butterfly." Selozar let out laugh which caused Albert to laugh with him.

  "Those evil creatures hide behind their beautiful wings and when you get close enough they'll strike." (Y/N) replied clearly upset over the fact that Selozar was laughing at her.

  "Okay, leave (Y/N) alone. Okay to be scared of things" I rolled my eyes at the two chuckling idiots. The scooted under the table and gave (Y/N) a pat on the back.

  "It's okay (Y/N), just gay idiots. They have brain of, no brains." I tried to make (Y/N). She smiled at me. Never noticed how nice it was to see someone smile or maybe it's just when she smiled. I never really will find out.

  "I'm not gay." Selozar, the gayest person ever, complained

  "I ain't a idiot." Albert, the person who constantly dressed up as a minion and cowboy, complained,

  "Oh, right Selozar (Y/N) your girlfriend?" I smiled.

  "Wha-" He immediately got flustered.

  "SELOZAR YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME!?" Albert screamed and (Y/N) started laughing.

  "Wha- No I.... We weren't together. Damnitt. I didn't even." Selozar spoke quiter and quieter and just backed up in the corner not saying another word. (Y/N) finally gets up from under the table to hug Albert.

  "It's okay you'll find someone else." (Y/N) comforted him.

  "I know but... I thought what we had was special." Albert sobbed clearly joking. I was still laughing my ass off on the ground.

  "WE WERE NEVER DATING, AND (Y/N)'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" Selozar shouted lifting his arms up into the air.

  "I'm not?" (Y/N) turned to Selozar with tears in her eyes. She most likely didn't even know what being a girlfriend was which made me laugh harder and caused Albert to stop fake sobbing and he also started laughing.

  "I- No uh- GOD DAMMIT." Selozar ran and locked himself in the bathroom leaving all of us in laughter.

((A/N)- I apologize for the long wait and for this short chapter I promise I'll try to add more chapters which will hopefully be longer, can't promise it tho. Anyway...Stay Sweet <3 -Cheesecake)

Word Count: 481

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