Drama club

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Name key
Drama club
Kizana: Juliet
Tsuruzo: Lafayette
Kokona: I'm/taking/this/horse/by/the/reins
Riku: Making/redcoats/redder/with/bloodstains
Shozo: Lafayette(TheSequel)

Lafayette: Kiza
K I Z A N A.

Juliet: WHAT?!

Lafayette(TheSequel): Jesus Christ Tsurozo!

Lafayette: I'm a Satanist.

Lafayette(TheSequal): Cheese-it Christ.

Making/red/coats/redder/with/bloodstains: I'm in a cheese cult, I worship the cheese god.

I'm/taking/this/horse/by/the/reins: I'm joining the cheese cult!

Making/red/coats/redder/with/bloodstains: invite only, Sorry Coconut.

I'm/taking/this/horse/by/the/reins: dangit

Juliet: what is wrong with you people?

AndImNeverGonnaStop: who knows, you chose them.

Juliet: your lucky nobody else wants to join.

Making/red/coats/redder/with/bloodstains: of corse not! with a name like this i drive everybody away.

Lafayette: yoh guys suxk at spelleh.
*yoh guys suckdb st dpelkhg.
*you guys sucj at soelled
*you yuys suvj at spelljng

Lafayette(TheSequel): r/IHadAStroke

I'm/taking/this/horse/by/the/reins: get off of Reddit.

Lafayette(TheSequel): yOu CaNt MaKe mE dO aNyThInG

Juliet:I can kick you out of club

Lafayette(TheSequel): okay maybe you can make me

I'm/taking/this/horse/by/the/reins: I posted this chat on reddit, now everybody get off.

Everybody has left the chat

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