Chapter 3: Adventurous Amusement Park

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Day 2

Star and Marco decided to turn in early after finishing up their video game. The following morning, Star found herself wide awake at 8:00 AM. Bored and far too rested to want more sleep, she slowly crept out of bed and headed for the kitchen. This time, she thought, she was going to get it right.

A little bit later, she rushed back into the bedroom and leaped onto the bed. "MARCO!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. "MARCO MARCO MARCO!" She bounced up and down on the bed which startled the poor boy; his eyes shot open and his vision immediately picked up on the bouncing girl. She eventually came to a stop and sat right on top of him, her gaze fixated on his, her lips a mere inch from his. "Hi!" She leaned in for a kiss.

"Morning, sweetheart. You look fantastic."

"Oh please, we haven't even showered since yes-"

"No I mean you look like you slept well. This is the Star I remember from when we first met."

"Oh. Well I definitely feel like that Star again."

"I'm glad." They kissed again. "Could you please get off of me now?" His voice was noticeably hoarse now.

"And here I thought you'd enjoy me being on top for once."

"Oh I do, but your knee is pushing in a very uncomfortable place." He directed her attention to one of her knees, which was unintentionally pushing hard on Marco's crotch area. She gasped loudly and leaped off.

"Sorry! I didn't even notice!"

He just laughed it off and sat up. "No big deal, Star. I can handle it."

"I love it when you play the tough guy. Oh, that reminds me! I have a surprise!"

He got out of bed, stretched himself, and grabbed her hand. "What is it?"

"Follow me!" She eagerly led him to the kitchen, where on the table sat two dishes, each with two slices of buttered toast each with a cherry on top. "Ta-da! Breakfast! Charred bread with white cream and cherries!" She had the proudest grin on her face.

Marco examined the plates, then smiled with a giggle. "Way to go, Star! You made buttered toast!"

Her grin slowly faded as her brain processed his sentence. She put the plates down on the table in disappointment. "Aww, you mean I didn't just invent this today?"

Now Marco's smile faded, though he rectified that by hugging the saddened girl & giving her a kiss. "Hey, it's something. You're learning. I'm proud of you."

Her smiled returned as she reciprocated the hug & kiss. "Thanks Marco." She picked up one of the pieces of toasts and held it up to his mouth. "Would you have the honor of the first bite?"

They parted, allowing him to take the toast. "Why of course, madam." He took his bite. Two chews, and then his face fell, which Star immediately picked up.

"What's wrong?"

He quickly shook his head. "Nothing, nothing. It's good."

She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "Marco don't lie to me." She took one of the uneaten pieces of toasts and gave it a taste herself. Three chews, and then her eyes lit disappointment. "Oh shoot I burned them."

"It's not so bad. They're only a little burned. The butter helps mask it."

"I'm sorry, Marco. I wanted to surprise you. It didn't turn out the way I hoped." She looked away in embarrassment, rubbing her still bandaged right hand against her left arm.

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