The Team's Discovery

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Loki and Bruce sat there for hours upon hours watching Sherlock and laughing at Bruce's impressions of the different characters. For the first time in a long time, Loki forgets about his imprisonment and only recognizes himself watching a funny tv show with a friend.

They didn't even realize that almost a full day had passed.


Tony and the other Avengers (minus Bruce), Sif and the Warriors Three, and Odin sat at a long banquet table eating the most delicious meal they ever had. Thor looks around at his friends and notices something was off.

"Where's Bruce?"

Before anyone else could talk, Tony speaks up, "Don't worry Point-break, he's with your bro."

Clint spits out the mead he was drinking. "WHAT?!" He gets up from the table before asking one of the guards where the dungeons were and races down there. Everyone else follows swiftly.


(Clint's POV)

I race down to the dungeons. How could Tony be so stupid?! This was the guy who took control of my freaking mind like, who's bright idea was this?! Bruce is probably already dead! Loki is probably going to take his revenge right here and right now. I hurry past the other cells and got to the end of the row when I see Loki's cell. I stand in front of it to see...

Loki and Bruce were fighting each other, Loki with daggers, Bruce with a sword. The others caught up to me and, to my surprise, Tony starts to laugh.


(Bruce's POV)

We were watching bloopers after finishing the entirety of 'Sherlock', when I ask Loki, "Who's the best antagonist of the show?"

"Eurus," he said without hesitation.

"I think it's Moriarty."







He glares at me and said, "Well, let us settle this dispute. What weapon do you fight best with?"

I pause for a second, then I remember when I went to the renaissance fair. "Sword." He summons a sword for me and a pair of daggers for him. "Are these real?" I ask with concern.

"No, just plastic." Phew! He walks to the other side of the room and got into a fighting stance. I got into one as well. "The first one to fall loses. Three. Two. One."

We ran at each other and start duelling. I heard someone laugh and I glance over to see who it was. I wave. "Hi, Tony!" Loki stops for a second and waves to Tony with a smile before his attention is back to me and uses my distraction to knock me onto the ground. He points the fake knife at my throat.

"Never hesitate," he told me. He was panting and sweat beads were forming on his forehead. He helps me up and goes to get us drinks from the wine bottle that sat on his table.

"Damn. I even made you sweat a little!" I said teasingly as he pours me a glass.

"I've been out of practice for five years, give me a break." He hands me the glass.

We both laugh at that.

"So I see you two have been getting along," Tony says.

We both turn to him and see that he isn't alone. The entire group is there. I look at Loki and he's frozen with apprehension. I can see his hands minutely shaking. He swallows thickly. I put a hand on his shoulder and give a little squeeze to let him know that I'm here for him.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Thor shouts. Loki flinches under my grasp.

"Loki," I say, trying to get his attention. He doesn't notice. "Loki." He hears this time and turns to me. "It's okay. I won't let them hurt you again." Loki takes a deep breath and nods. He is starting to calm down. Good.

He turns back to the group. "What are you doing here?" His voice holds a tone of anger and betrayal, but underneath all of it, I notice sadness. Perhaps because of his mother's death, but more likely that I'm the first person he has physically seen who is not a guard in 5 years. "You didn't feel so inclined to visit before."

...Knew it.

Nat answers, "We were trying to find Bruce, and where do we find him? Fighting with our favorite psychopathic monster."

"It wasn't what it looked like," I tell her.

"Then what WAS it like?" Clint asks angrily.

"We finished watching Sherlock and we got into a fight about who was the best antagonist of the show, Loki said Eurus, I said Moriarty. We were fighting to see who was better."

All of the Asgardians and Steve look extremely confused, Clint and Nat looked like they didn't believe a word of it, and Tony just says, "Eurus is a better antagonist, no question..."

"HA!" Loki exclaims to me.

"...but Moriarty is funnier."

"HA!" I say right back. He crosses his arms and sticks his tongue out at me. I do the same.

"WHY IS THIS EVEN A CONVERSATION WE ARE HAVING!?!?" Clint exclaims, startling everyone.

"Doctor Banner, I order you to leave that cell at once!" Odin commands.

"No," I state. "Loki hasn't seen anyone in 4 years and, in all honesty, he hasn't done a single thing to harm me since I got here!"

Odin looks like he is contemplating something. "Fine! If you wish to keep the company of a criminal than you will be treated like one. For the perceivable future, you will stay in this cell, with Loki."

Everyone looks horrified. Thor tries to say, "But fath--"


Loki stepped back a little, remembering the last time that happened. Odin swiftly turned and left. The others were ushered out by the guards and Loki and I were left alone in the cell.

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