On The Road

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From now on it will be in Elliana's POV unless stated otherwise.

After driving all day and some of the night, I stop in a town called Concordia. It's in Kansas. My first stop is finding a motel, I can pick up something quick to eat from somewhere along the way.

I pull into this small mom and pop diner, I mean you can just tell. Parking I turn off my car and reach into the duffel bag. I grab twenty bucks out and put the envelope back before getting out of the car and locking it.

The bell rings as I open the door, I head to the counter and sit on a stool. I put my phone, car keys and wallet on the counter before laying my head on my arms. I look up as someone walks over to me.

"You alright, hun?" It's this sweet looking lady her hair is blonde and only slightly greying and her eyes are a light blue that are twinkling with happiness.

Sitting up I flash her a smile as I nod, "Yes ma'am, I've just been driving all day up until now."

"Ah, where you head-" She is cut off by my phone ringing. I look at the caller I.D. Mom.

"Sorry, it's my mom" She nods saying it's okay and walks a little ways away to talk to another customer.

I answer the phone, "Hey Mom, you guys find the house?"

"Yes, we did sweetie, where are you right now?" I can hear the worry in her voice.

"As of now stopping in Concordia, Kansas. I'm getting some food then gonna check into a motel for the night."

"Just be careful and if you think someone is following you get to a police station or call the police, okay?" I get she is worried but that is a little extreme.

"I will mama, I promise I'll be fine. I will see you in a couple of days when I get to Beacon Hills, okay?"

"Okay, love you, sweetie"

"Love you too mama." I hang up and wait to order my food.

"You ready to order hun?" I glance down at the menu and nod.

"Yep, can I get a tofu burger, fries, and a sweet tea to go? Also, do you have any pie?" I tilt my head slightly, of course I asked about pie, how could I not.

She chuckles, "Yes, apple or cherry?"

My eyebrows furrow together as I think about it. Cherry has always been my favorite but, apple pie is so good! "Hmm, I don't know, surprise me."

"Okay, hun that'll be $12.57." I nod and hand her the twenty and after a minute she hands me my change and receipt which I put in my wallet. "I'll be back with your food in a little while."

I nod and look around the diner. There is a couple sitting in a booth near the back and only one other person in here. He is sitting a few stools down eating a slice of what looks like apple pie. "Is that any good?"

He looks up and the first thing I see is his candy apple green eyes and his short dirty blonde hair. His did face screw up in confusion though. "Huh?"

"The pie," I gesture to his place with a duh look on my face. "Is it good?"

He made the O shape with his mouth before nodding, "yeah some of the best I've ever had and that's saying something with how much pie I eat."

We both chuckled, "Yeah, well that makes two of us. I get a piece of pie every time I eat out and my mom makes it at least once a week."

"Here you go hun, have a good night." I turn to the lady who hands me a to-go bag and cup as she gives me a smile. "I threw in an extra slice of pie, one cherry, and one apple."

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