Chapter 6- Cliche mornings

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{Just pointing out that I won't update the next chapter until I get 5 votes Its not a lot so hopefully it won't take awhile}

I stare blankly out my window, it's pitch black and the city lights make it look like one of those places you daydream of going to, The towns not all that interesting.

It sounds cliche that I'd do this, but it helps me get my mind off things. I guess my life seems very cliche (shower thoughts) you know, a girl has a curse and hopes to find a guy to break it. It sounds like one of those movies that make me wanna gag however, its real. Im legit living this life.
Laura: you up? I text ross, around five minutes later i got a text back Rossy: am now xD
Laura: did I wake you?
Ross: no, ryland did. Anywho, whats up?
Laura: I feel stupid
Ross: talk to me.

I sigh, and get ready to type a paragraph that I'll regret later.
Laura: why are you talking to me? I mean, not that I don't want you to but, I'm a monster. You saw what happened, I can't touch anyone it drives me insane! I just wanna curl up in a little ball and not go anywhere. Stupid, I know.
Ross: not at all, Laura your not stupid. Sure I'm surprised at all this but however I'm not going to ditch you, that's so idiotic
Laura: Thanks
Ross: I'm coming over to your house, you're not going to sleep sad.
Laura: it's three in the morning
Ross: so?
Laura: you'll get caught!
Ross: be there in a few
Laura: fine

It toke Ross around ten minutes to get to my house also known as the longest ten minutes of my life. I start to hearing tapping on my window, are you serious? I look out to see ross a few feet down since my room is on the second floor I open up my window amd was greeted by the cold air "how cheesy of you" I beam "I know, you should get used to it though" he chuckles "open the front door for me" he starts walking to the front of my house because I could intervene

I quietly tip toe downstairs and get the door for him, he sleepily stands there with a blazer on top of a plain white tee shirt and plaid pajama pants "you dressed up" I giggle sarcastically "I know I think it's the blazer" he brushes the wrinkles out of it "shh my parents are sleeping" we begin walking upstairs "be extra quiet" I whisper "like this?" He whispers back like a little kid. "quieter" I giggle

We walk up to my room and I quietly through all the tissues from when I was crying in the garbage "Laura were you crying?" Ross gulped "no I just have cold" I cover it up tensely "Laura I'm going to ask you again" he says with pity "fine, yes I was." I raise my hands in surrender "awh Laura" he sits on my bed "I don't know what to" he shrugs sadly "I honestly just hate my life" I tear up "don't say that" Ross groaned "sorry" I whisper quietly "hug yourself" he says "what?" I dry my eyes "hig yourself, since I can't hug you, you can." He stated "that's a little weird" I laugh "not weird at all, I used to do it in elementary I kinda had no friends" he brush his blonde locks behind his hear "I'm not doing it" I cross my arms"

"You kinda doing it right now so I won!" He cheers quietly "not really" I fire back whsipering  "yep and nothing you say will change that" he dances around making me laugh, not the full out laugh. Kinda like that laugh that you do when you don't want people to hear you laugh. So you kinda sit there looking like a retarded seal snorting occansionally,

"Laura!?" My dad barges in my room "hi" I say awkwardly "what's he doing here?" He points to Ross "he can't do anything to me so don't be worried" I remind him "what?" Ross plays along as if he still doesn't know anything about my curse "nevermind" I look at Ross smiling so that my dad doesn't see "whatever I want him to leave" my dad says sternly "sorry sir" Ross walks out of my room "sorry" I scoff "I don't wanna talk about this right now, but you will be hearing about it later" my dad leaves


School was, awful, then it was okay, then awful. Of course people avoid me but everyone talks behind my back, and it's annoying but I'll deal with it. I'm bad at comebacks that aren't off tumblr so I don't say anything back to them. I'm about as good at comebacks as squidward is at clarinet.

"Laura grab one of those whipes and whipe of the counter" my mom demands when I walk into the kitchen for a Brownie "but I want a Brownie" I complain "after, your grandparents are coming over for dinner and I want this place to look spotless" she says while doing the dishes "will I get all the Brownies I want?" I don't care about my grandparents coming over, or cleaning, or dinner, or school, or homework. All I care about it my Brownies

Seriously these Brownies are amazing. "Yes Laura" my mom laughs "okay" I start to whipe off the counters until I could see my refletion in it. "And also after you have your Brownies there's a dress in the bag over there I want you to wear it." My mom points to a platic bag with a store logo on it that is hard to pronounce and I've never heard if it in my life  "okay"

I eat about three Brownies, complain about how I eat to much and how I'm going to gain so much weight. Then I go to my room and put on the dress my mom wanted me to wear, it's the ugliest thing I've ever seen. It's a maroon velvety dress with a Peter pan collar and puffy short sleeves. She also got me flats that arent so bad but still screems I'm in second grade they're a greyish black with a bow off to the side. I put the outfit on then throw my hair into a ponytail. I don't need to put any makeup on or spend too much time on my hair when it's just my grandparents and not obama or anything.

After the long boring dinner that was basically my mom and grandma complaining about trivial things, my dad and grandpa taking about cars and me stuffing my face. I go to my room and get changed into pajamas since the velvet is really uncomfortable and scratchy and go on my phone for countless hours.
A/N I know this story is waaaaayyy different but I'm trying to keep in some parts and add in parts. The dinner was basically a way to show laura is still a regular teenager and I made a batch of Brownies and decided to write about them because they are so good:)
The part where Ross comes over at three is still there as you read but again I changed it up. When I wrote the first version it was my first story so I was obviously not so good and I want this version to seem realistic and have twists and unexpected stuff incase you read the first version.

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