Chapter 4- fathers

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Everyone says that they know the town like the back of their hand, Ross cannot use this excuse since he hasn't noticed a millimeter chunk of skin missing from his hand. He lost it when he accidentally brushed my shoulder, it's not bleeding it just looks kinda funny and I feel bad that it's funny to me.

"Okay so that would equal negative 8 right?" Ross asks referring to his work "Yep" I smile

"This is pretty easy" he determines proudly "yep now let's move onto your grade level" I laugh

"What!?" He asks irritated

"You've been doing grade nine work now we are going to do grade eleven work" I laugh at how mean I am "I could punch you so hard right now" he comments which I just ignore because I know he wouldn't

"Okay so factor the expression 6ײ-13× +5" I read off the notebook "um..." Ross begins to write down the solution "okay 6ײ-13× +5 = (3× -5)(2× -1)?" He answers correctly "great job"

"Hello Laura?" My dad walks in "shoot" I whisper "my dad's home early" my dad usually is out late for work but he got home early today, he doesn't allow me to have friends over because he doesn't want to get sued if I kill anyone. "Oh should I leave?" Ross offers "Yeah probably" I whisper

"Hi dad" I answer as Ross collects his stuff but my dad walks in before he could leave "who's this?" My dad asks nervously

"Um this is my friend Ross" I brush my hair behind my ear "I was just tutoring him"

"I was just about to leave sir nice meeting you" Ross shakes his hand "wait" my dad stops him "what's your name?"

"I already told you dad this is Ross" I sit on the couch "last name?" He ignores me "Lynch" Ross answers nervously "What grade are you in?" He continues "I'm a junior this year"

"Is your father mark Lynch?" My dad asks yet another question "yep" he smiles widely hiding his fear "okay you are free to leave" my dad smiles sleepily and Ross leaves the front door "Why do you have to go investigator on my friends?" I ask my dad annoyed "because I want to know that you're safe" he reminds me "safe from What dad? I Can just slap him and he's gone out of my life you don't have to worry about me" I run upstairs

I throw myself onto my bed and sigh loudly as I stare blankly at my ceiling, my phone vibrates in my back pocket and I pull it out as it displays a text alert from Ross

"Does your dad have something against me?" I chuckle as I read his message

Me: yes, but don't worry he has something against all my friends

Ross: that makes me feel a little better...

Me: him and lily are probably Happy you didn't rape me:')

Ross: you heard the rumors didn't you:/

Me: yeah and I'm starting to think they are just rumors

Ross: keep thinking that. I'm a virgin and I don't use girls

Me: do you believe in love?

Ross: I'm a hopeless romantic Laur, of course I do

I smile that's something me and Ross have in common. We both believe in love.

Me: same

Ross: so is lily proceeding to be mad at you?

Ross knows that lily is mad at me, he has no clue why but I did mention it.

Me: yeah she's not answering my texts or calls

Ross: is it because your tutoring me?

Me: she doesn't trust you

Ross: no one does

My heart sank reading that message, maybe everyone has something thats bringing them down.

I don't know how to make long chapters:') this one I changed up a bit because I wasn't Happy with the original version of this chapter.
How are you enjoying this version? The views are going up pretty fast (for me anyway) and this way of Ross saying he's a virgin is way more casual so I change that up too
Picture: raura edit<3
Song: me and you by Laura Marano

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