Chapter 12 - The truth (and Cal) comes out

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Cal awoke tied to a hospital bed by his arms with his limbs in plaster and a monster headache. Once again he wasn't wearing any of his own clothes or a binder under the sheets, just a plain hospital gown, but this time when he looked round he saw Kara talking with a tired Carrie who was in the bed next to him. With his arms out of action he could do nothing to cover himself and resorted to hunching his shoulders inwards in an attempt to null the sinking feeling in his stomach.

Kara looked over and saw his movements. Wordlessly she went to find Will - who'd placed himself personally in charge of Cal, being the only one the immortal teen had ever fully trusted.

She came back with the healer, who had a half eaten bagel in his mouth as he rolled his sleeves up. He took the bagel from his mouth and smiled as he walked over, putting his free hand on Cal's shoulder.

"You, Cal, Are going to be the death of me one day - you know that? Either that or you'll kill yourself with your own stupidity."

Cal couldn't meet his eyes. "I'm sorry, Doc, I really am but-"

Will cut him off. "Relax Cal, I'm joking, you don't have to explain yourself to me."

"Who tied me up?" He asked, tugging at the cords.

"Ah. That was me - didn't want you running off again. Sorry."

Cal nodded. "Well, I'm not going anywhere with these casts on so..?"

"Yeah, Alright then - but I'm sending Nico if you try and escape."

"Honestly - I fear you more than your husband."

Will sighed and finished the bagel as he untied the cords and checked Cal over. "How's the pain?"

Cal twisted onto his side and moved his arms to cover his chest as comfortably as he could with the heavy casts. "My head's killing me but everything is pretty standard."

Will raised an eyebrow.

"Okay. Everything else hurts but I can survive."

"Alright - the headache should pass once you've eaten something - what do you want?"

"A bagel would be great."

"Sure I'll go get you one. Kara - Tell Thalia or Lady Artemis that Cal is awake and you can speak to him whenever you want."

Kara nodded coldly, not even looking at Cal as she left.

Will returned a few minutes later with a bagel on a plate and helped Cal sit up to eat it. He sat down next to him to chat.

"So how long was I out?" Cal asked between mouthfuls.

"I kept you out for a week, then stopped feeding you sedatives three days ago. I'm going to be honest - the only reason it was that short was because Dad made an appearance, something about owing a favor."

"Ten days.. Anything big happen?"

"They burnt Lucja's body the day after you got back, but since then nothing. The whole camp's been buzzing though - mainly because of... Well.. you."


Will hesitated. "When you fell... Your jacket fell open.. your binder.. the shirt hole exposed it.. enough campers were there and a few of the hunters have been less than subtle. I'm sorry."

"They all know.." Cal's eyes welled with tears. He didn't get the chance to tell people on his own terms and now he couldn't control the a single thing about his identity. "How.. How did they react? Kara seemed.. hostile."
"Some have reacted badly.. I think Thalia is just annoyed that you didn't tell her-"

Cal Sanders and the Artemesian Boar- A Percy Jackson Fanfiction. Where stories live. Discover now