Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up feeling something soft and warm covering my fur. I snapped away from my sleepy haze as I heard the pounding of a heartbeat other than my own. My eyes snapped open and I inhaled deeply, still listening as the heartbeat sped up slightly as I woke. The smell was familiar. It was the smell that was in the forest, the one that drove the men with guns away. The wolf told me it was safe, but I was still wary.

I rolled over and found myself trapped by the covers of the bed I was lying on. Why did they stick me under the covers in my wolf form? I huffed in annoyance. Who opens the door in the middle of the night, finds a sleeping wolf on their doorstep, brings them into their house, and lays them under the covers in a bed? I asked the wolf. It was awfully strange. They will explain themselves, given time. The wolf answered. I sat up, untangling myself from the blankets, and looked around. I was sitting on a king sized bed with a dark blue comforter and light blue sheets. The walls were a light blue; there was a desk against one of the walls, three doors in various places, a dresser, and two windows, side by side.

In the corner, where the desk was, was a person sitting in the chair. He was extremely handsome, with black hair that he kept brushing away from his eyes. His eyes were a deep blue, almost the color of the comforter. His lips were full and plump, and god was he ripped. His tight black t-shirt clung to his sculpted chest and eight pack, not leaving much for the imagination. Even though he was sitting, I could tell he was quite tall, around 6'3".

"Good morning." He smiled, revealing a perfect set of teeth. "Hungry?" I was. I hadn't eaten anything in a week, since I'd been running nonstop from those men. So I nodded my head. "Great. Would you mind shifting back?" He knows what I am? Yes, and he is a shifter, too. But he can only shift into one animal. By the smell of him, I'd say a tiger. So, should I do as he asked and shift back? Yes, but not to your true form. That form should be kept a secret, so they can't find you. Choose a human form that he would be unfamiliar with. Alright. See you next time. Goodbye, my dear.

And with that, I shifted into a young small blonde that I had seen shopping with her friends by the mall one day. I loved the outfit she was wearing, but I hated the hair color. So I changed it a couple times until I found a shade I liked. She now had dark black hair, not unlike my own, only hers was straight, different from my natural curls. I blinked, and changed my normal violet eyes into dark brown ones. My natural eye color stood out, and I could be easily identified by them. Best to keep them a secret. "Ready?" he asked, still smiling. "Yes." I replied. The voice of this new form was high pitched, and squeaky. It was going to give me a head ache, so I changed it back to my normal voice, cleared my throat and said "Sorry." Changing voices always made my throat tickle, hence the need to clear it.

"Is this your natural form?" he asked while raising an eyebrow at me. The expression made him look unbelievably cute. I kept my face blank and replied, "No." He smiled adorably, and then stood up, confirming my suspicions about his height. "Well, let's go grab some breakfast." He said. I stood up as well and followed him to one of the three doors in the room. He smiled at me from over his shoulder and led the way into a broad hallway with a tall ceiling. It made me feel small, especially standing next to this giant of a guy. I changed the legs and torso of the body I was in so that I would be at a more comfortable height. The clothing changed as I did, becoming longer to accommodate me. "So, what's your name?" he asked me. "You can call me whatever you want, so long as it's not insulting." I replied. I didn't think giving him my real name would be such a good idea. At least not until I believed I could trust him. Names have power, power that I couldn't allow anyone to have over me. He glanced at me over his shoulder as we continued walking. He looked disappointed.

"Oh." He said. "Well I'm Derek." He turned around and held out his hand to me. "Nice to meet you." He said. I glanced at his hand nervously. "Nice to meet you, too." I responded. We stood there awkwardly for a moment, and then Derek pushed his hand a little closer to me. On instinct I took a couple steps back. I couldn't touch him, or I'd see all of his body parts in my mind, all of them begging to be changed, shifted. Then I'd see his brain, and with it, all of his memories. They would flash through my mind quickly, showing me everything that had ever happened to him. And it would give me a killer headache, one I didn't need right now. Plus it was an invasion of his privacy, and honestly, I didn't want to know everything about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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