06. Favor

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how to make up with your boyfriend 

Jungkook deleted the search and tried again.

how to make up with your friend


"Yoongi, I don't know what to do."

"About what?"

"Tae won't talk to me."

"What did you do this time?"

"I kissed Mina to see if I was gay and he saw and he ran off crying."

"Wait you kissed Mina? To see if you're gay?"



"Uh, I-I'm gay."

"I knew it."

"Yoongi, now's not the time. What do I do? I've tried talking to him but he just ran away. He won't go anywhere near me. I haven't seen him all day."

"I can talk to Tae about it. Or I can get Jimin to convince him to hear you out."

"Do you really think it'll work?"

"I'll make sure it works."

"Okay. Thanks Yoongles."

"Jiminie? Can you do me a favor?"


"Jungkook told me he wants to talk to Tae about what happened. I was wondering if you could talk to Taehyung about it."

"He said he doesn't like Kookie anymore. Well he does but he said that he's sad because of what he did."

"Yeah, I know. Can you talk to him for me?"


"Thank you baby."

"Tae, Yoongi hyung told me that Jungkook is sorry and he wants to talk."

"But he did what we do with that girl."

"Tae! I got an idea! We have to make Kookie jealous!"


"Do you really think this will work Minnie?"

"Yeah! Just remember what i told you to do."


"Do it tomorrow though."

Taehyung arrived at the school gates. He was nervous to go through with his best friend's plan.

He finally gained the courage to enter the building and put his stuff in his locker. As he walked he heard people whispering and staring at him. It was probably his outfit. Jimin said everyone would love it and it seemed he was right.

"Hey, what's your name?" a slightly older male said as if appearing from nowhere

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"Hey, what's your name?" a slightly older male said as if appearing from nowhere.


"You're hot. You wanna hangout sometime?"

"Sure," Tae smiled.

"What period do you have lunch?"


"Okay. I'll see you then."

Jungkook walked into the lunch room and headed towards his table but stopped when he saw Tae flirting with a senior. 'I thought he liked me. I thought that's why he was crying yesterday. Those kisses probably meant nothing to him.' Jungkook sighed and decided to eat his lunch on the roof.

"Minnie! I think it worked!"


"This boy was being gross though. I didn't like it but I saw Kookie and he looked upset."

"Was he sad or mad?"

"He looked more sad. I feel bad now."

"It's okay. He won't be sad for long."

"What do you mean?"

"I have another idea! But you have to wait until Friday. That's when I can get something for it!"

Taehyung looked in the mirror, admiring his outfit.

"It's pretty Jimin!"

"I know. That's why I chose it. I think Kookie will like it," Jimin said, confidently.

"I don't want to be by that other boy again

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"I don't want to be by that other boy again."

"I know Tae but you don't have to do it for much longer. I promise."

"Pinky promise?"

"Pink promise!"

do you guys think things are going too fast?

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