12. Showing

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"Tae you can't wear your skirts," Jin said very calmly.

"I'm not wearing pants. Only skirts."

"If you wear them you'll stretch them out and you won't be able to wear them again," At this point Tae had started showing and just barely fit in his clothes.

"I'll buy you new clothes that'll fit this weekend okay?" Taehyung started crying. He hated wearing pants and he didn't want to ruin his skirts but he'd much rather wear them than pants.

"Eomma, please, can we buy new clothes today?"

"You need to go to school."

"I'm not wearing pants!" Seokjin grabbed Tae's phone and it started ringing. The screen read 'Kookie'. Jin explained the situation to Jungkook and put the phone on speaker.

"Tae, if you don't come to school I won't get to see you today and I really want to see you."

"But i can't wear a skirt."

"How about this, I'll stop at your house and I'll bring you one of my shirts so you can wear it like a dress and it'll fit. How does that sound?"


"Okay, I'll be over soon."

"Thank you Jungkook," Jin added before hanging up.

Jungkook arrived at the younger's house and walked up to his bedroom. As soon as Tae saw him he jumped into his arms so that Jungkook was carrying Taehyung.

"Let's get you changed okay?"

"Okay Kookie!"

Jimin and Yoongi we're sitting at their lunch table when they saw Tae and Jungkook walk in.

"Tae-Tae is showing Yoongi."

"He is," Yoongi stated as he drank his bubble tea.

"I want a baby. Why can't I have one?"

"We talked about this Jiminie. You can't have one but it's okay. I'll get you one eventually."


"Hi Jiminie!"

"Tae!" The two exchanged a quick hug and sat down."

"Eomma said that we get to meet baby soon!"

"We get to find out the gender," Jungkook corrected. Jimin started pouting and his eyes soon became glassy.

"It's okay baby," Yoongi whispered. "You just have to wait a little while."

"But you said that last time."

"I know but I promise it won't be too much longer. I'm saving up some money, okay?"


"I love you Jiminie."

"I love you too!"

Taehyung walked to his locker to put his belongings away when he was stopped by the one and only Mina.

"Did you gain weight? You look disgusting."

"It's baby," Tae said, fighting back tears. He hated how sensitive he was but there was nothing he could do about it.

"What the fuck do you mean by that?"


"You're so ugly. I bet Jungkook is just dating you for attention. I don't know how he could find you attractive. And you're even uglier now that you're fat. Maybe try eating less."

"Get the fuck away from him," Yoongi yelled. "Don't you dare say that shit to him. You have no idea what he's dealing with right now."

"What's he going through then?"

"Doesn't matter to you. Let's go Tae," Yoongi grabbed his hand.

"Are you guys secretly dating or something."

"No," Yoongi paused. "I think I know why you like to bother him about Jungkook."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, it's because you're jealous. You want to be in a relationship with Jungkook but you can't because he doesn't like you. He's rejected you, what, 7 times? I know you've liked him since elementary school. He knows it too. Next time you should try harder to hide it. Or just stop being annoying," The whole hallway was dead silent. Yoongi walked Taehyung to Jungkook's locker and went to find Jimin.

"I'm so sorry baby," Jungkook said, picking Tae up and kissing him.

"It's okay. She's right though."

"About what?"

"I am getting fat," the younger male pouted.

"Hey, don't say that. You're not fat. It's just that our little baby is growing and he needs lots of room. Do you want to know a secret?"


"I like your tummy. It's cute. Just like you," he added. Taehyung blushes and the two went to the younger's house.

Jungkook left just before Jin finished dinner as he had to get home and make his own.

"Tae-tae, why aren't you eating."

"I'm not hungry," he lied. Mina's words still rang in his head. He couldn't listen to what Jungkook had said because what Mina said was too powerful.

"You need to eat sweetie."

"No. I don't feel like it," Jin sighed as he watched Tae run up the stairs and into his bedroom.

i love u bnana0mlk 🥺

also if you guys are interested in a yoonmin book i do have one published. it's not that popular and it's up to you, if you want to read, to decide if it's good or not

you don't have to. only if you want ☺️💕

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