two: benches don't make good beds

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The bench I was laying on could have been the most uncomfortable thing in the world. But right now I didn't care. Sleep was calling my name.

The stars above me began to disappear as my vision turned black and I fell asleep.


'Bro, how much have you drunk?' I familiar voice came from above my head. I felt a prodding on my ribs and realised it was a shoe. 'Hello?' The voice said.

I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. I was facing a brick wall, but as I looked around I saw a bench leg and suddenly remembered where I was. I tried to lift my head but a sharp pain shot through my brain. I let out a groan and scrunched my eyes shut again. When I put my head back down I realised how cold the concrete was that I was lying on. It was slightly refreshing, but I soon decided that I didn't like it so I had to get up. I pulled my hands from my sides and placed them on the ground below me. As I pushed my weight on them I felt another sharp pain, this time in my right hand.

'Fucking hell!' I cried out, dropping my body to the ground once again.

'Oh shit, don't move.' The voice said. 'There's broken glass all around you.' I managed to turn my head towards the direction of the voice, squinting my eyes open to see who it was. 'I'll go and grab a broom or something.' It was one of my mates, Ben.

A few minutes later he returned with a girl wearing a tiny skirt and what looked like just a bra, she was carrying a dustpan and brush.

'Hey Grayson, it's Meg.' She crouched down next to my face, exposing a little too much. I remembered it was her house party that I was at. 'What are you like?' She giggled and then began sweeping up the shards of glass. 'You must have dropped your beer.' After she was finished she grabbed my arm and helped me to my feet.

'Cheers.' I said, brushing myself off. My head was pounding now and my clothes were dirty.

'It's no problem.' She said, still holding my bicep. 'Do you want some water or anything?' She looked up at me with big blue eyes and over sized eyelashes that obviously weren't real.

'Um, no thanks Megan.' I pulled my arm out of her grip. 'I'll just grab another beer.'

'Bro, the party's ending, its almost two o'clock.' Ben said, grabbing my shoulder to stop me from swaying.

'It's fine, I'll just have one more.' I insisted, I didn't want to be sober again. Not for a while.

'No, come on I'll drive you home.' Ben pulled me towards the house.

'I can walk home.' I slurred. 'I walked here, I can walk home.' Ben still had his arm round my shoulders, steadying me. I probably would have fallen flat on my arse if he wasn't holding me.

'You must be taking to piss mate.' He laughed. I didn't have the energy to argue so I let him push me into the passenger seat and shut the door. Soon enough we were on the road. We sat in silence, Ben glancing at me every couple of minutes, probably to check I wasn't going to puke in his car.

'Where are you taking me?' I suddenly snapped my head up. He couldn't take me home, not like this. I didn't want to imagine what my mum would say, or what my dad would do...

'What do you mean?' He said, confused. 'I'm taking you home obviously.'

'No, you can't.' I shouted.

'Why not?' He asked. 'I'll help you sneak in quietly if you want.'

'No.' I said. 'You have to let me stay round yours. I'll sleep on the sofa. I'll sleep on the floor! Please.' I didn't want to sound too desperate in case he suspected something, but my drunk self couldn't contain it.

Ben let out a quiet sigh and shook his head. 'Fine.' He said. I sighed with relief. 'But no puking, and you have to be gone by the time my parents are awake. You can sleep on the sofa.'

'Thanks bro.' I ruffled his hair, just to annoy him. 'No puking, and I'll be gone by six.'

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