three: pals before gals?

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School on Monday morning was, as usual, a complete drag. I didn't regret any of my subject choices, mainly because there were no others that I would rather study. The day started with double Geography. I found myself constantly staring at the dusty clock on the wall in front of me. Every time I snapped back to focus on what my teacher was saying, it wasn't long before my eyes drifted back to the clock.

After what felt like three years, the bell rang and I was released from class. I walked as quickly as possible up to the common room to make sure that I got a seat. Luckily, Hailee had got to the common room before me and had put her bag on a seat for me at the same table we always sit at. It was a race to get a seat in our little group that we were friends with. The people we sat with at school we nice enough, but Hailee and I both knew that we would never spend any time with them, other than at school. Madison didn't come to the same school as us, she was studying at another school. 

'Hey.' I groaned. 'How was sport?' I asked her, laying my head down on the table and letting the cool surface sooth my pounding head.

'It was alright, we were just revising joints again, nothing special.' She said. 'How was geography?'

I opened my eyes and sat back up to look at her. 'Don't even get me started.' I said. 'I couldn't focus because I'm so tired. I was just counting down the seconds until the bell rang.' We both forced giggles, both knowing that school was getting a bit much at the moment, especially with our mock exams coming up.

'So...' Hailee began. I could always tell when she felt nervous or awkward because she found part of her baggy clothing to fiddle with. Today, it was the sleeve of her over sized, man's sweatshirt. I gave her a look to tell her to carry on. 'I was thinking you could meet Lauren today. Have you got a free period today?'

'Wait, does she go here?' I asked, shocked that I had no idea.

'Yeah, she's in the year below so you probably won't have seen her much.' She nodded. 'So do you have a free today?'

'Yeah, I've got a free next.'

'Same, so do you want to meet her?' She asked, still fiddling with her sleeve, slowly getting more and more restless.

'Of course I do!' I squealed, making the other people at our table look up, puzzled.


In our free period, Hailee led me towards the canteen where she had told Lauren to meet us. She was walking really fast, and as I trailed behind her I could tell she was getting anxious.

'Hey.' I said, grabbing her arm to pull her to a stop. 'You know it's going to be fine, right?' I gave her a reassuring smile.

She returned the smile and sighed. 'Yeah, of course it is.' She said. 'I don't know why I'm panicking so much.' We carried on walking to the canteen, slower this time.

Once we got to the hall that had long tables and too many chairs to fit round them, the only person in there was a short, brunette girl. I wasn't completely sure if that was Lauren because she looked a bit like Madison, lots of makeup and girly clothes. But to my surprise, Hailee smiled wider than I'd ever seen her smile before and she marched over to the girl. I followed behind as quickly as possible.

'Billie, this is Lauren.' Hailee stood next to Lauren and wrapped her arm around Lauren's waist. Hailee was a lot taller than Lauren, which made her look very masculine. Lauren was much more feminine and petite, I could see why Hailee liked her. She was stunning. Her brown hair was wavy and fell perfectly onto her shoulders. She had natural, long, dark eyelashes and her dark skin glowed. Her plump lips smiled at me and I found myself jealous of how pretty she was.

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