six: trouble

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"Let's go boys!" Namjoon yelled, gearing up. He took all of his precious weapons he needed and then headed to their group's shared house's parking lot. "We need to save Taehyung before it's too late."

"How did they even manage to get Taehyung?" Hoseok asked, sighing.

"That boy may be a dragon but his magic is prohibited. So he's like a lizard with wings," Jungkook answered.

"Can't we just get this over with? I'm already tired!" Yoongi whined, putting his protective gear on.

"Wait, is that our Vice President with a girl?" Jimin interrupted their conversation when he noticed Cha Eunwoo, Vice President of Internal Affairs of Chevalier High School, has broken a rule: bringing a girl within the school's premises. Of course, the other boys didn't see. He used his super vision to map their way out of the school without being seen but he has found something even better.

"Can you see who it is? She must be from Belladonna!" Jungkook the Gossiper excitedly questioned. Jimin zoomed in to who it was but then his eyes started getting blurry.

"I can't see who it is. But she has a chubby figure and brown hair," Jimin answered. Then, he realized something that scared him for a moment. "Let's leave!"

Jimin was bothered. Blurry eyesight means that someone is counterattacking his skill. Only his family members could do that or a member of the royal family. Not just any member, but a pure blood royal. As far as he knows, there isn't any royal family member in the boys' school and this is the first time it has happened. It must be the girl Eunwoo's talking to.

The boys arrived at the dungeon and thanks to Namjoon's fake reality, they easily pass by the guards. The guard animals were able to detect them but the actual guards were stupid to not listen to creatures. The 5 boys arrived in front of the cell of their friend and they looked at him worriedly.

"What has happened to you?" Namjoon stared at Taehyung with sadness. The two were cousins and have bonded since young. Seeing the younger boy locked up made his heart break a little. The fact that he was there for no reason made it break even more.

"You were lashed?" Yoongi angrily questioned as he saw the long wounds on Taehyung's wrist.

The boy locked up didn't answer. He was staring at the floor with no emotion at all. Jimin threw a little knife at him and the metal went straight to his thigh. He didn't move though. He continued to sit still and daze off.

"Are you dead?"

"Jimin, you do realize that I could tell if someone's dead, right? I would't have brought you here if Taehyung was dead." Jungkook face palmed. "He's sleeping and you threw a knife at him!"

"Who the hell wouldn't wake up if thrown a knife at?" Hoseok questioned scared. He hid behind Namjoon and pushed him to go to the front.

Jimin was about to open the cell's door but he sensed that his sister, Jihyo, has done something wrong. Aside from seeing the world like a map, he can locate where his family members are using it. And according to it, Jihyo is somewhere where she isn't supposed to be. He zoomed in to what was happening out of curiosity until...

"Jihyo is in Havana with her friends," Jimin said in shock and stared at his friends.

"So? It's summertime, Jimin. Give your sister a break," Hoseok remarked when suddenly a blade came flying at him. Luckily, he was able to dodge it with the help of Namjoon. "What the fuck, Park? Why are you protective of Jihyo all of a sudden?"

"Why are you in Havana attacking her?"

"What?" Hoseok's lips parted at his statement and his eyes squinted in the thoughts of impossibilities and confusion.

"He's in where? Right now?" Yoongi interrogated before the two start fighting each other physically because of misunderstanding. "Are you sure you're not seeing things, Jimin?"

"You're attacking Momo as well," Jimin added and Hoseok turned furious.

"How dare that person use me to attack the most precious person in my life!" Hoseok whined and Namjoon held him back. "Yah! Kim Taehyung! Wake up and fly us to Havana!"

"You turned into Momo!" Jimin shrieked in surprised. Taehyung gasped loudly, surprising the 5 of them. He winced as the knife on his thigh finally hit him with pain. He was out of breath as if he was competing on a triathlon event.

"Nayeon, Jihyo, Jeongyeon and Momo are being attacked by a dragon. They're at Havana. We have to help them," Taehyung said in between breaths.

And just like that, they were off to Havana.

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