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Valerie's POV
Sunshine flooded my small cottage room. I yawned and stretched, accidentally knocking down my cup. I jumped out of my bed and rubbed my eyes, trying to adjust to the somewhat harsh sun rays in my room. The day was very beautiful and my room was filled with the smell of roses I had planted in the garden just behind the cottage.
I hurried to wash down brush my teeth and dress. After I gave my hair the 100th brush, I tied it up in a ponytail and went down to have some tea. I got myself chamomile tea and cream buns. Then I sat down to enjoy my meal.
My mind wandered to Samantha and I wondered if she was happy with her knight husband. She was younger than I but she fell in love before me and besides, I wasn't in love with anyone, not even an ant. I bit into my delicious cream bun and slipped some chamomile tea. Samantha and I had fled to a nearby kingdom after the siege of our kingdom. I wasn't Princess Valerie anymore. I was plain Valerie now. Sorrow almost choked me but I held it back. I hurriedly finished my breakfast. I had to go for fresh flowers from the garden and walk all the way to the village for a bucket of milk.

Prince Elvis' POV
"How is dad?" I asked the doctor. "He's doing very poor" the doctor replied. I slammed my right fist into the wall, my dad was dying. My mother came out of dad's room and came over to me to comfort me by saying " Elvis, death is something inevitable. No one can live forever or will live forever. If your dad dies don't let it get you down. You are a brave warrior and a wise prince, you will make a fantastic king". "How can I be? Dad was a wonderful king and he protected our kingdom. Will I be able to? I would be a terrible king" I lamented. "No Elvis, you won't. Besides our custom doesn't allow the next-in-line to be king unless he is married. So you should start looking for a wife. You should consult the oracle first" she said.
"Very well mother, whatever you say. I will go and consult the oracle soon, perhaps this afternoon". "That's my boy" she said and kissed my forehead. So that was just what I did, I packed a few things I needed and set out to the temple of Chan to consult the oracle of Chan on whom I should marry. The oracle was famous for these kind of things. As soon as I entered the temple, a certain air engulfed me. A mysterious air.
The priest came to welcome me and asked me of my mission. "I'm here to seek the oracle on marriage matters" I said. The priest nodded and drew only me into the interior of the temple, leaving my servants outside. I stood in front of the fire whilst the priest stared silently and intensely into the fire. The priest turned to look at me and said " BLOOD AND GORE
                                                           BROKEN AND SORE
                                                           IN LOVE SHALL FIND
                                                           BLOOD OF ONE KIND".

Valerie's POV
I carried the bucket of milk in my right hand. It was supposed to see me through for a whole month because the wages I got from sewing dresses wasn't enough. My cottage was a bit far from the village but the road wasn't dangerous to walk on even in the middle of the night and there were ten more cottages near mine. I hurried along the road. When I got home, I set the bucket of milk in the kitchen. The birds were still singing beautifully and I smiled. At least my cottage was peaceful. I set about to get my lunch ready which was boiled rice with fish gravy, some veggies, an apple and a sweet but healthy glass of milk. When lunch was cooked and eaten, I did few chores about the small cottage and went to bed to read. It was around 8 o'clock in the evening when I finally slept. My dreams were filled with horror, of war and killing. I woke up abruptly with tears on my face and unequal breaths. I sobbed uncontrollably. That horrid night was still painfully remembered. When mother and father were killed and when Gaelyn, sweet Gaelyn was rudely murdered. I couldn't sleep anymore but I had to go for work the next morning. I took in a glass of warm milk and went back to bed. That glass of milk worked like magic because I was asleep in no time.

Prince Elvis' POV
On my way home, I kept thinking about the words the oracle said. I was confused. Perhaps my mother would help me with the riddle. I hurried home only to be hit by the news that my father was dead. Tears flowed down my cheeks and I felt broken. Mother was sobbing frantically and I had to console her. Our kingdom's throne was now vacant. There was no one to occupy it. I had to solve the riddle, find my wife and finally take over the throne and rule the kingdom well. I sighed a deep sigh as I stood at the window of my room. I was going to start the search for my bride, but now, I had to solve the riddle.

Valerie's POV
I slipped on a beautiful flowery dress and a plain black shoe. I combed my hair back and left it to float about my shoulders. I then grabbed my purse and hat and set off for work in the village market. When I reached the workplace, Sandra, a friend and co-seamstress was already there and settled. There was a man talking to our master in an earnest manner. When he left, our master seemed troubled. He told us that we had a big job ahead of us. We had to sew dozens of clothes for the prince in just three days! I snorted. Imagine me sewing for Prince Elvis. The other girls, including Sandra felt so happy. Well, actually, they were all crushing on the Prince. My enemy. In fact, Prince Elvis was handsome but I just didn't like him for what his father did to my kingdom. I sighed and glanced at my face through the mirror on the wall. I hated looking at myself because my own face reminded me of my mother. I had her emerald eyes and slender body. I averted my gaze quickly and sighed. My revenge had to start soon.

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