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Prince Elvis' POV
I sat still watching mother who was in deep thought after reading the words of the oracle which I had written down for her.
"This is pretty confusing" she murmured. "Yes it is mother. It is a Mumbo-Jumbo of words" I whined. "But I will find out and unravel its meaning to you, okay" she promised.
"Okay mother. But please hurry because I will be setting off in three days from now."
"Don't worry son. You should also think about it, perhaps you'll realize that you can unveil something."
"I have heard you mother. I am going to my room to get some rest now."
Mother hugged me and kissed my forehead. I stomped off into my room and slumped on the bed face-down with my shoes still on and drifted on into a horror filled sleep. I had a dream. In the dream, there was a very pretty young woman.
She had emerald eyes, milky white skin and a slender form.
She had rage and hate in her eyes and held a sharp sword. She was yelling something that I couldn't hear but fear seized my heart.
Then she advanced toward me and when she was close enough for me to feel her breath on my face, she said "I shall avenge them. Prepare to die!"

Valerie's POV
The next two days saw me so tired that I could barely sew anymore. We had nearly reached our target but I was too sore and angry with myself.
Going all this length to sew clothes for my enemy made me even more angry.
My master agreed to give me the day off tomorrow to rest but on the condition that I would be the one to deliver the prince's clothes to him. I had to be the one to deliver it because I had had some rest but the other girls had not had any.
I went to bed early, woke up early the next morning and did my chores till evening approached.

Prince Elvis' POV
I waited patiently for the clothes to be delivered to me whiles sitting on my horse in front of the castle. I had promised my mother that I will be on time for father's funeral.
She had not yet deciphered the oracle's message but she told me that she would inform me after she found the meaning of the oracle's words.
The sky was a few shades dark when I saw a woman coming towards the castle.
She was so slender and very pretty I could tell even though she was quite far and it was getting darker.
When she neared me, I gasped. She was riding a made and held my clothes in a neat pile on her laps. She was the delivery woman but also the woman from my nightmare!

Valerie's POV
As I approached the prince on my made, he turned whiter and whiter. I could see him shivering distinctively and I thought that it was perhaps from the coolness of the evening.
I alighted from my made and curtsied when I reached the side of his horse. I stretched the clothes towards him when he startled me by fainting and landing on the clothes in my arms so that it looked like i was carrying him.
I yelled on top of my lungs and caused quite a commotion because guards hurried out of the castle and grabbed the prince from my arms. I was then dragged along and was too surprised to protest.
The prince was rushed to his room and I was brought before a very indignant queen.
She hurried to me and Gabe me two hot slaps on my cheeks, both of them.
"What did you do to my son?!"
"I did nothing to him" I said, my anger rising hot and fast within me "he just fainted on me and I don't know the cause".
"Really?" the queen asked sarcastically.
"Yes" I answered with the same sarcastic tone.
Her eyes widened.
No one, I think, had never spoken to her like that.
After all, I was angry and she was my enemy.
She was about to say something when a guard came in and interrupted her by saying that the prince was conscious now.
She fled to her son's room without giving another thought about me.

Prince Elvis' POV
I woke up with a start or should I say, came to consciousness with a start when water was sprinkled on me.
Mother was sent for at once.
She reached my bedside with tears of relief on her face.
"Mother, where is that lady?"I asked hoarse.
She looked momentarily confused but suddenly remembered.
" That rude girl?"she spat out.
" She is still here"
"Why didn't you send her away at once?"I questioned in fear.
" It's too late. I can't let her leave at this time"
"Mum let her leave first thing at dawn"
"I'm scared of her" and with that, I started to narrate the dream I had had to my mother.
She was shocked and shaken to her roots.
"Don't worry, she'll leave first thing at dawn" she said and urged me to have some rest as she left my room.

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