Chapter One

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Stay with me...
Chapter one

Yoongi pov:
I was rushing around my room as fast as i could, imagining i was the flash running as quick as the speed of light. I hurried to throw a few things into a random bag i had bought a few years back. Oh, how i couldn't wait to get out of this house. I've been planning this for so long.. since i was 8 years old. That's when things started getting bad between my parents. Mom would come home drunk almost every other night, dad was rarely ever home, and when he was he usually seemed upset and didn't talk to anyone except for mom every now and then.. well, that is, until one night when he didn't come home.. mom never told me what happened to him, she said I would understand one day.. and damn was she right about that. I remember those first few years growing up, i was just an innocent child. I didn't know about the bad in the world. I thought everything was all sunshine and rainbows.. I was so happy.. I loved life.. I loved my family.. I loved myself.. everyday I looked forward to those couple of minutes I had to spend time with my family before school.. now that's gone, things are very different.. I feel like it's my fault though, I mean who else's could it be? I'm the one that pissed my mom off and made her hit me.. now that I think about it, I'm gonna miss the pain. I deserved it. All of it. But now that I'll be gone, maybe they'll be happy. This is what they need. They don't need to constantly be angry anymore because I'm not good enough, or because I'm failing school, or the fact that I don't know what I wanna do with my life. Actually, if I said that I would be lying. I know exactly what I wanna do with my life, I wanna throw it all away. I just don't like living this way.. knowing there's no way I'll ever talk to my father again, and that my mom fucking hates me.. my brother will be better off too.. he won't have someone to share his stuff with anymore.. he can have all of it to himself.. I feel tears starting to form in my eyes and I quickly write a note to my family, telling them my goodbyes, before rushing out of the door forgetting to grab my phone. I started running, not having any idea on where I wanted to go. All I knew, was that I didn't want to be alive. I continued running, tears streaming down my face. I eventually got to a bridge, and stood at the edge looking down at the water. It was all silent, no people where around. "Perfect." I thought as I sat down, dangling my legs over the water. If I jumped from this height, there's no way I could survive. I would finally be gone forever, out of everybody's way. I slowly stood up and without thinking, I took a step forward. Everything happened in slow motion, I felt it. They say your life flashes before your eyes when you die, but that's not what I was feeling at the moment. I was feeling mixed emotions. Deep down I was sad, like usual... but I also felt relieved, and I felt a small smile forming on my face, knowing I would finally escape. Just as I was about to hit the water, everything stopped. It all went black. I could still feel myself breathing, but I felt as if I had no control over what was happening. I started to feel scared. I tried to scream and yell for help, but no sound came out. It was silent. I felt myself drifting off to sleep, and I didn't fight it. I kept my eyes closed. After being unconscious, for I don't even know how long, I slowly started to remember everything, and opened my eyes a bit. Everything was blurry, and I saw a familiar face hovering over mine. "Sir, are you okay?" I had no idea who this man was, or how I was still alive. I attempted to respond to him, but all that came out was a small noise. I saw him smile a bit, and I felt my face heat up a little. What was wrong with me? I don't even know who he is.. my heart was beating quickly, and I couldn't tell if it was from the rush of adrenaline I was feeling, or if it was because of this strange man.. I took my time trying to sit up, and I slowly regained control of my body. I was feeling very weak, and the stranger helped me up. He gently took my hand in his and said in the calmest, most soothing voice I've ever heard.. "hey, are you alright? Tell me what happened.. I'll give you a ride to the hospital if you need me to.." I decided not to tell him the truth, knowing I could end up in some trouble. Instead I told him that it was an accident, that I had slipped and fallen off the edge. I could see it in his eyes, that he didn't believe a word I said, but he still went with it.. after a while, we started to have a somewhat normal conversation. We started getting to know each other. There was just something about him.. he made me feel safe, and for once.. maybe i was happy?.. "oh and by the way.." he said before pausing and giving me a warm smile. "My name is.."

-to be continued, I hope you enjoyed!-

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