Part 1

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"Come in"

Lucy called as she went around tidying her workspace. She was expecting everyone at some point today as they needed pre tour vaccinations. There were also some people who had pre existing conditions that required a little extra medical attention too.

"Hey Lucy" a voice sounded through, and she looked up and smiled at Neil. He gave her a smile back though she could tell he was a little nervous.

"Hi neil, good to see you" she greeted him, pointing him over to the large chair they would be using today

"wish I could say the same..." Neil joked and she smiled

"Yeah, I'm used to nobody being happy to see me" she joked back. She slipped on a pair of fresh gloves and prepared the two syringes needed.

"Well maybe if you didn't want to stick needles in our flesh every time we see you" he joked again and she rolled her eyes, finishing her preparation before putting the two syringes down on the small tray beside the chair and grabbing some anti septic

"May I remind you, you've got several tattoos" she gave him a knowing look as she rolled up his sleeve and used the anti septic to wipe the area clean

"Yeah but that's different, it's needles by choice and you get something cool from it" Neil argued and she let out a small laugh, reaching for the syringe

"Well I might give you a lollipop if you're a good boy" she teased him, positioning the syringe on his upper arm before injecting it in. He only winced a tiny bit, which was pretty good for him. He pouted at her as she reached for the anti septic again.

"Cmon, shirt up" she said and he winked at her, which made her roll her eyes

"You do know I'm taken right?" Neil smirked, hissing in pain as she wiped the area

"Yes I do, and your girlfriend is here right after you. Plus she needs more medical attention yet she never complains" Lucy told him with a knowing look back. She could tell when he was using humour to cover up his pain, letting him have a moment before she reached for the second syringe.

"You good?" She asked, knowing the stomach shot generally hurt more and he seemed that he was slipping into his anxious state.

"Just want it over with" he said and she rubbed his other arm soothingly, picking up the needle and positioning it on his lower stomach she injected it quickly and kept rubbing his arm as he winced in pain.

"There we go, it's all done now. You've done well" she reassured him. They had a good friendship really, neils humour so often made her laugh but she could also tell when he was using it to deflect his true feelings and get to the bottom of what was really happening. She let him have a moment to recover and reached into her bag, finding a small bag of sweets which she gave to him.

"As promised, since you were a good boy" she lightly teased him. He pretend to sulk but mumbled "thank you"

"You busy or you wanna stay whilst I check over Alex? I'm sure she won't mind"

Neil nodded that he wanted to stay, Lucy went into the waiting area to get Alex and double check with her. When the girls came back he was sat in Lucy's desk chair, still eating his sweets. Alex walked over and kissed his forehead, "inspecting" his wounds when offered to see that he was okay.

"Lucy tells me you did well" she whispered to him, and he nodded. He let out a sigh of relief when Alex gently stroked his face and cupped his face in her hands, kissing him again before rubbing his back "I know it's not easy for you, I'm proud of you"

Lucy let them have a moment, taking it to get her equipment set up, before walking over to them.

"You ready Alex?" She asked and the girl nodded, pressing a final kiss to neils forehead before moving to lie down on the table. It was just easier with her other tests for her to lie down for the whole thing.

"So how have you been?" Lucy asked Alex and Neil let himself zone out for a moment. He wouldnt admit it or let it show to anyone other than the med staff or his girlfriend but getting shots took a lot out of him. He wasnt sure why it made him so panicky but he had always been that way with medical scenarios, they just put him on edge constantly. He chanced a glance over to alex who was lying on the table about to get her stomach shot.

Somehow, watching the needle sink into her stomach was somehow worse than feeling it pierce his own. He had a sudden overwhelming feeling that he needed to protect alex, feeling his heart racing and feeling his breathing quicken he felt like someone had ripped all the air from his lungs, feeling his knees hit the ground and someone's hands near him. No, he thought. Get off me. I need to get to Alex. I need to save her.

Looking after each other: Tour EditionWhere stories live. Discover now