Part 3

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They walked into the secondary check up room and found Lucy's assistant in there. Kaiya was the second-in-command and generally did the same job but also had her own specialities. Kaiya was a dentist by trade though also had general medical training as well.

"Hey guys. I'm just about to run a dental check up for someone" she told them

"That's okay, I just needed to do lubas injections but couldn't do them in my room as Neil is recovering from a panic attack. It won't take long" she said and kaiya nodded, giving a small smile

"Well so long as you guys are ok using the table then that's fine" kaiya said

Lucy got Luba to lie down on the table and there was a knock at the door. Kaiya went to answer it and it was Amy.

"Hi lovely, come on in" she greeted the girl, who smiled at Lucy and Luba too.

"Hey Ames" Luba said. She knew the girl had to get dental check ups more often since she was sick a lot.

"Hey" she greeted back, walking to Luba as Kaiya set things up "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm just getting my shot in here cos the other room is taken right now" she told her, not mentioning Neil as it wasn't her place to tell the other pros, only a few of them knew of his ptsd.

"Hey Luba, kaiya is going to do your shots so I can go back to Alex, okay?" Lucy said and she nodded, waving goodbye to her and whispering a quick thank you.

"You don't mind huh Amy?" Kaiya said and the girl shook her head "thanks love, just means that Lucy can get herself back on schedule. I'll do yours too"

She slipped on her gloves, Amy sat on a spare seat off to the side to wait as Luba lay down on the table. She had to settle her nerves but knew it would be okay.

"Okay lovely, I'm going to check your eyes and ears, then I'll check your heart and your breathing real quick, do your scan then we'll do your shots huh?"

Luba nodded, focusing on keeping her breathing even to keep herself calm. She watched as kaiya checked her ears and looked where instructed for the girl to check her eyes as well. It was checking her stomach that got her more nervous.

"Good girl, I'll need to check your heart and breathing next" she said, getting the stethoscope and placing it on her chest once the girl had rolled up her top. She listened carefully then got Luba to sit up so that she could place the stethoscope on her back. She asked to breathe in time and do some deep breaths as well.

"There we go, you did well" Kaiya praised the girl, she had been a little shaky.

"Okay, shots time. That's for both of you" She said, looking to Amy who stood up ready for her turn. She slipped on her gloves and got the first shot, seeing that Luba had completely tensed up.

"Sweetheart I can't do it with you all tensed up like that. It will hurt a lot more"

Luba let out a whimper, not wanting to unfurl herself as she was braced for impact and scared of it hurting. Amy moved to stand beside her and rubbed her shoulder soothingly.

"Would it help if I went first so you can see that it's okay?" Amy asked and Luba nodded, quickly climbing off the table.

"Okay looks like you're up first Ames"

Amy nodded and lay down on the table, offering her hand to Luba who held it, sucking on her thumb of the other hand.

"Okay, first one Amy" Kaiya said, rolling up the sleeve of her other arm and wiping the area with anti septic before picking up the syringe and positioning it in place, injecting it into her upper arm.

"There, first one done" she smiled, whilst Luba did a tiny gasp in surprise

"Done the first one already?" She asked

"Yeah, it's super quick see? Doesn't even have time to really hurt" Amy told her and Luba continued to suck her thumb as she watched the stomach shot.

"My turn?" She asked and Kaiya nodded. She got back onto the table, closing her eyes she was glad however that Amy was stroking her hair to give her a little bit of a distraction, plus it was soothing.

She barely felt the shot in her arm, though she did let out a whimper at the stomach shot and whispered "oww"

"There, all done" Kaiya praised her and Amy kissed her forehead.

"Thanks for helpin' me" Luba told Amy and the girl smiled

"You're welcome" she said back

"Right i think you're done missy, unless there's anything else needs doing"

Luba sighed, how could kaiya always pick up when she was hiding something? She had a really sore tooth and didn't want to bring it up but maybe with Amy there too it would be okay. Amy already knew.

"You gonna tell her?" Amy whispered and Luba took a deep breath, the other patted her on the shoulder for support

"I've got a poorly tooth" she sighed

"Can I have a look?" Kaiya said, seeing how the girl eyed the chair nervously "What I do is just look at it here initially then if it needs fixing we can do that"

Kaiya slipped on some fresh gloves and asked Luba to open her mouth, once she had done so she had a look for the tooth

"Yeah that's a cavity I'm afraid, it'll have to come out" she said. Luba whined and Amy pulled her close for a moment, holding her tight as she rubbed her back and soothed her gently.

"Cmon, I'm right here and once it's done you won't have pain in that tooth anymore which will be a good thing, right?"

Luba nodded shyly. She got up into the dentist chair and Amy sat on a standard chair next to it so that she could hold her hand when needed.

Kaiya placed a plastic bib across Lubas chest and got the chair tipped back.

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