The Walk

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'so sky! Uhm about that love thing- uhm do you still wanna talk about that??' "....I dont know if I should talk about it to you" 'what?! Skylar we have been best firends since kindergarten!! You trust me... Right?' The small Mexican American Girl bit her lip as the blonde tears up and stops ' sky...' "....I can't trust someone who... Who I love" Arthur blushed softly she then tears up and runs off Arthur gasped ' SKY!!' he runs after but gets pulled back by mystery he tears up as the female runs to her house she then slams the door closed and sobs "Stupid STUPID STUPID! TELLING HIM YOU LIKE HIM?! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU SKYLAR AGH!" She punches a wall and then sobs holding herself sobbing "now he hates me and I don't blame him..." She sobs and then gets up from the floor taking her hoodie off she then Grabs her pocket knife and smiled "As long as they don't see these... I'm good" she places the knife to her skin and slices it grunting slightly the cuts deep enough to make a scar she sighed softly and then wrapped them up and threw her hoodie back on before she heard a knock on the door she opens the door to see a pissed off Vivi she gasped as vivi grabs her her blue eyes turning magenta as she hand a grip so tight that it choked sky.


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