gone missing

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(A) *on call with derek* hey so what do you wanna do today

(D) sorry babe I'm busy with some work for school and if I dont finish I fail so I'm not able to I'm sorry baby

(A) it's ok I dont want you to fail

(D) it's ok I'll do my best, I'll try and hang tomorrow I love you

(A) I love you to

(D) *ends call*


-fight between two men-

(L) *screaming* help

(M) shut up

(A) hey stop leave them alone

(M) what did you say fag

(A) i said leave them alone they did nothing to you

(M) yeah right you know nothing kid

(A) get off them *shoves man*

(M) you really wanna deal with me kid *punches ari*

(A) *falls on ground*

(M) go deal with someone your own size fag your jest an idiot trying to get issues started so jest go home kid

(A) *runs away*

*locks himself in room*

-few minutes-

(E) *knocks* hey bubu you in their

(A) *no answer*

(E) bubu you home? your doors locked

(A) no answer

(E) *calls ari*

(A) *turned phone off*

(E) oh no where's bubu

(A) *hides in room*

-later that night-

(E) *spam calling Derek* x20

(D) *picks up phone* what emma? I'm busy with work sheets

(E) have you seen ari

(D) not since ballet practice yesterday

(E) oh, when was the last time you guys spoke?

(D) this morning we couldn't hangout because I was packed with some work

(E) oh

(D) emma what's going on?

(E) it's hard to explain Derek

(D) tell me emma hes my boyfriend I'll help

(E) he's missing

(D) what do you mean missing??

(E) I dont know he wont pick up, his phone seems to be off, hes not checking his phone or answering it and his doors locked as if he wont answer

(D) where was the last place he went?

(E) uh he went out walking the streets to find stuff to do but I dont know where else he went

(D) oh no *ends call*

*running over to aris house*

*climbs tree* *jumps in window*

(D) ari, ari are you in here

(A) Derek what are you doing here?

(D) when a boyfriend hears his man is missing it's the time to search places you would be

(A) why did you come

(D) to see you, now what the hell happened ari to make your sister panic thinking you went missing she spammed my phone twenty times trying to call me, and telling me you didnt answer your door or pick up your phone. Why didnt you answer?

(A) because I'm scared I cant show myself

(D) why ari, ari look at me

(A) no I cant

(D) ari look at me *grabs face*

(A) please let go *trys shoving*

(D) what the hell happened ari *looks scared*

(A) I dont wanna expla..... *starts crying*

(D) ari its gonna be ok

(A) there was a fight because of this guy...I couldn't take it I got hurt i hid I'm not brave

(D) babe it's ok I'm here for you, you should have got me and told me I would have helped you

(A) I though I could take it myself

(D) but you didnt your the one who got hurt

(A) *falls to floor crying* I cant take it I'm not brave

(D) babe it's ok I'm here for you

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