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November 28th Thursday

(Ari speech)

There are not words to express his influence in my life. It is through his example that I learned to be the father like figure to my family and a fiance that I am today. My father was hardworking, strong, loving, and gentle. He loved his family and was deeply devoted to my mother before she passed away and the only siblings I could have was my sister he devoted his life to us and he was so great, nothing could change how great he was because he was the greatest father me and emma could ever have and no one could take the love away that he gave us, *crying* it's so hard being up here saying goodbye but as I stand here I learn, there's no one that could ever replace the man in my heart and the man in my sisters heart. But we wished the deepest love that we had that we wouldn't come to this day but it came and we hate it but we know our father is in a better place because he was truly our family even if we grew up with so much different things. I didnt get to tell him that I was engaged the last words we ever had were the meeting of my fiance and my father as they met for the first time when derek came to my house but I know this *looks up at derek* I know we would have my fathers blessing no matter if hes in the ground he would accept us for who we are, even if I could never share the pain I had to my father because of all the bullying I could never tell him I wish I did, we would have been closer if he jest knew all the pain i carried.

(Derek's speech)

He was a man that could accept anything as he accepted us ari, this man lived a great life and he never hid how much he accepted, the day I planned to propose to ari I ran straight down to mr kotoris house I asked him for his only son's hand in marriage and as I got to know more apart of aris life I told his father everything, *looks at ari* ari your father knew your pain, he knew everything you went through even if you went home not saying a word or sharing you were being bullied he stuck around knowing you were in bullying, he wrote reports to the school that you were being bullied, and through out that time I helped your father jest by going to your father with every report I could do and tell them each thing you went through and your dad accepted you for who you were, he hated the fact that you were bullied but he did everything he could do and knew he accepted the fact of you being gay and I asked him if I could get his blessing for your hand and he told me yes you have his blessing for our marriage, I'm so happy that he was here, he was like a second father to me and he treated me like a son each day I was by your side, I'm so happy I knew him as I've known you ari and we are all happy we knew mr kotori as he shall rest in peace

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