wilbur goes to Target™ with technoblade

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Wilbur was doing another stream of "you laugh you loose" challenge, and as usual, most of the entries were absolute garbage. He still somehow lost, because of a video of a guy saying "Cheeto" with a cheetah in the background. Truly, the peak of comedy right there. He ended the stream shortly after, planning to go to sleep as soon as he was done, but he was interrupted by a knock on his door... his bedroom door? Did someone break in his house?

""aw shite"" thought Wilbur, with his thicc british accent. He looked for whatever object he could use as a weapon; the guitar! But a guitar isn't strong enough, so he yoinked some ducktape from his drawer and attached his youtooz to the his guitar. He held his newly crafter weapon and approached the door, while holding the guitar like a bat.
Then, he approached to the door slowly and with a deep breath, opened the door at full force, making it hit the wall and breaking it in the process. You may ask, did the break the door or the wall? The answer is yes.

"Hey dude what the frick" Said the voice from the other side of the wall. Wilbur sighed and dropped the guitar to the ground;

wilbur: m8 what are u doin hear dude i told you to stop breaking into me house i dotn have any more door insurance left

Technoblade: Well maybe you would have more door insurance if you stopped swinging the door open every time I knocked your door.

wilbur: ok that's not the issue what r u doin hear

Technoblade: I think breaking you door is a pretty big issue if I do say so myself.

wilbur: shut the fffffwuck up stop breaking into my house

Technoblade: Oh right I forgot to mention why I'm here.

wilbur: lemme guess, you ran out of onion rings again but i don't have any more onion rings aight i haven't gone to mcdonalds in five weeks

Technoblade: No, I don't need onion rings. The thing is, we have a problem and that problem is that I need to go buy some tea at Target.

wilbur: lemme guess u need my help cuz im british and british ppl drink tea -_-

Technoblade: Well, yeah, but I also need help cause I don't know how credit cards work.

wilbur: wdym u don't know how credit cards work m8;;;;; just ask ur mum

Technoblade: Shut it are you coming or not.

wilbur: ok fine i was going to buy some stuff anyways, might as well get it done now

And so, Techno and Will made their way to Target. It was a ten minute walk to there, but when they arrived, something was off... the place which was once Target, was now a Walmart! How? Why? Who could do this! Target is clearly superior than Walmart. As someone who's been go Florida about eight times, I can confirm that!

wilbur: yo wtf is going on m8

Technoblade: You sure there was a Target here?

wilbur: ya man i've cume here a bunch'a times wdym imma throw hands rn this is so [insert british slang here] m8

Technoblade: Ok let's just go to the next Target.

wilbur: k but im still pissed this was my favorite target m8

The duo went on their marry way to the next Target, which was a couple more miles away. Wilbur was extremely disappointed that his favorite Target was replaced by Walmart, and spent the whole trip complaining about it. Technoblade did not care.

After thirty minutes of walking they made it to the next Target.... but it was also a Walmart!!!!! Wilbur started to whine again.

wilbur: whatthefuckisgoingoniamsopissedrightnowthatimnotevenspacingmywordsholyshitthisissoannoyingwhatthefrick

wilbur and jschlatt do the stanky legWhere stories live. Discover now