Dream Boy~ Waterparks

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Summary: Richie and Eddie hang out at Eddie's house while Sonia isnt home and have a little dance party

"Come on rich it's my turn!" Eddie whined reaching for his boyfriends phone that was connected to the boys brand new speaker. "You bought the damn thing for me anyway" he continued to beg.

"Ugh fine" the taller boy said in fake annoyance. He handed his phone that was already opened to his spotify account to the excited one.

Eddie thought for a moment. He and richie absolutely loved music and listened to everything together but he wasnt sure what he was in the mood for that day, he thought over his options and finally landed on a sound that was perfectly flirty and fun and knowing his boyfriend all too well he would enjoy anything the smaller enjoyed. Literally  a n y t h i n g.

So he hit play and the song began. At first Eddie only nodded his head and hummed along, but as things usually do with these boys one thing lead to another and soon Eddie was prancing around the room singing along.

"Am I the boy you dreamed of?"

Richie watched the adorable boy with a nice mix of amusement and admiration as he bounced along

"Do you belive in love?" Eddie pointed to Richie questioingly "Is it becasue of me, yeah if it's up to me"

Richie quickly nodded his head as he gushed over the cutie rocking out in front of him.

"Ooh hoo"

Eddie continued to dance to the sweet melody and right on time with the song he locked eyes with the blushing boy sitting on his bed and dropped his smile and seriously asked "am I the boy you dreamed of?" Richie took note of the boys sudden mood shift and stood up to grab the smallers waist.

"That and more Ed's" the two teens blushed and Eddie lightly slapped the others arm.

"Enough with the sappy shit.. shut up and kiss me" Eddie stood on his tip toes to reach the tallers lips. Eddie smiled into the kiss as he felt red creep onto his face.

"Well you dont have to tell me twice" Richie said as he slowly pulled away. The smaller only rolled his eyes and pulled the taller back down roughly to be met with another soft kiss.

The rest of the afternoon the two boys shared music and swayed together in the small bedroom.  Eddie really was Richies dream boy and he wouldn't have it any other way.

(A/N sorry that this one is so short I'll put more effort into the next one {but no promises I'm going through some stuff atm lol :,)} anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter remember to comment any song/plot reqests)

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