Chapter 1

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Yasmine P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It was 6:30 am. Ugh. I hate getting up this early for school. Sorry, i forgot to introduce my self. Hey guys. My name is Yasmine. I am 17 years old. I am a Junior at Chesapeake high. I am light skin, and thick. Im not going to go too deep in about what i look like and what not.

"Yo Yasmine. Time to get up." My big brother said.

"Ugh. Give me ten more minutes." I told him as he barged in my room.

"Nope. You have to get up. If you want me to take you to school you better get your ass up. Now come on." He told me.

"Fine." I told him as i got up.

As i got up i heard my mother on the phone yelling and screaming. I knew she was talking to my dad. They always argue when it comes to who have who on the weekends. By the way, my brothers name is Hunter. He is light skin like me and is cute I guess. But i say im cuter than him. I took a 20 minute shower. When i got out i went to my closet to figure out what to wear. I finally chose my white riped jeans, my Pink long sleeve shirt, and pink Jordons. I grabbed my bookbag and headed down stairs.

"Morning mom." I told her as i kissed her on her cheek.

"Morning. Is your brother taking you to school?" She asked.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked

"Because he is about to take off." She told me as she looked outside.

"Oh shit. Bye mom. Love you." I told her as i ran out the door.

"Damn you take to long. Thank god mom looked outside. If she didnt you would have been SOL (shit out of luck)." He told me.

"Yeah whatever." I told him as we took off.

As we went to school there was dead silence in the car. So i started a conversation becasue i hate silence.

"Hey, what was that thing that you said that you promise to tell me another day because it wasnt the right time to tell me? The day i nearly died?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Dont worry about it. I will tell you later." He told me.

"Why not tell me now?"

"Because we are about to go to school and i dont what that shit to be on your mind."

"Oh come on. It cant be that bad. Just tell me."

"Yasmine. I will tell you later." He told me as he parked in the school parking lot.

"Fine. Be that way." I told him as i got out the car slamming the door.

"What the fuck, Yasmine!" He yelled at me.

"Opps." I told him sarcastically.

Hunter P.O.V

Damn. She knows i hate that shit. I have a 2019 Dodge Challenger Hellcat Carbon Fiber Aerodynamic Kit. This shit cost to much money for her to be treating it the way she does. This is my baby. Well one of them.

My name is Hunter. I am 18. Im a senior and i am so happy i am because im about to graduate. Yes! Im light skin and i have a girlfriend named Madison. She is the love of my life and i have never cheated on her. Ok maybe once but that was an accident. We were both drunk and i was a party. I have no kids thank god. And I am not a woman beater like these other fuck niggas.

Anyway, the thing that i have to tell Yasmine is serious. I have been in it since i was 9. Ahe doesnt know it and neither does our mom. Im in a gang. Im a thug which is what most people call people like me now. I didnt tell her because i dont want her to be worried about me and shit. But i promised her that i would that day shit popped off.


"What the fuck is going on Hunter?!!" Yasmine yelled.

"Just do what i tell you. Turn here!" I told her.

"Just be quiet. Dont make a sound."

"Hunter what is going on?" She asked me.

"I promise one day i will tell you. Just not now, ok?" I told her.


I did a job and i went bad. I almost lost her. Now I have no chocie but to tell her. I have been trying to hind it from her so she doesnt get involved. But ever since that night, they know about her. As long as our parents dont fine out im good.


Finally its lunch. I am starving. I havent eaten since last night. I would have eaten breakfast but i didnt want me and Yasmine to be late for school. As i got my lunch my beautiful angel came.

"Hey baby." Madison said to me as she kissed my cheek.

"Hey sexy. How are you?" I asked her as i turned around to hug her.

"Good. How about you?" She said as she was playing with my hair.

"Good." I said.

"Have you told your sister yet?" She asked.

Yes she knew but she was there when i first got in the gang. So i have known her for a while.

"No. Not yet. I want too. I just havent gotten a chance to."

"Well you need to make time. She needs to know."

Speaking of my sister.

"Hey guys. Whatcha talking about?" Yasmine asked.

"You." Madison said.

"True. We were talking about how i need to have that talk with you." I told her.

"Yep." Yasmine said.

Yasmine P.O.V

Sometimes i worry about my brother. For the pass few weeks i barely see him. The only time i see him is in the morning before school and in school. After school hes gone. We use to be close but now... Its like im living with a stranger.

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