Chapter 11

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Lilly's POV


The man I thought to be my father for all my years looks directly at me, not even sparing a glance at Jaxson. "Hi, honey... I've been looking for you," he says, sickeningly sweet.

"W-why?" I question, not understanding why he would want a burden like me.

"Didn't I warn you of what would happen if you ever ran away? Well, now... Oh, I can't wait to do what I want," he exclaims happily.

"P-please no! No hurt m-me!" I yell, reverting to how I was before I met Jaxson.

I cower away from my Dad until I hit Jaxson's chest, supposedly having shifted back. He gently pushes me behind him, "You will never lay a hand on her ever again. You would have to go through me."

"Gladly," my 'Dad' says with confidence.

He motions with his hands, and suddenly, the two wolves behind my father attack Jaxson. I don't know what I would do if he ever got hurt! I must protect him! I'm too weak in this form, if only I could shift, but I'm still too underweight.

Jaxson pushes me out of the way again, but this time, I fall to the ground with a cry. My bones are on fire! I feel this agonizing pain all over my body, and my skull feels like it will explode.

I start sobbing. I can't take this pain anymore! I want it over! "It hurts! It hurts!" I scream, not being able to handle the excruciating fire spreading throughout my limbs.

Through the haze the pain has caused, I see Jaxson has beaten one wolf, but is in bad shape. My 'Dad' is just standing and watching. He seems like he is enjoying the show of both my mate and I in pain.

Jaxson looks this way and tries to rush over to me, but gets held back by the wolf. Jaxson finally shifts, but seems to be in immense pain while he does.

With no help to come, I try to push through the pain to clear my head. I must save Jaxson! He can't hold his own while injured like this. His silver wolf is coveredin red.

Suddenly, I hear my bones crack. One by one, I feel every bone in my body move to a different position. I look over to see if Jaxson is okay and see him laying on his back with the wolf aiming for his neck. I can't let him die!

With one final push, I stand up and lunge for the wolf. I grab a hold of its throat, and shake until one of its neck bones is ripped out. I can feel blood running down my muzzle. Wait... MUZZLE? I'm a wolf?

I look down and see two front paws that are solid black with white. It looks like I'm wearing socks!

Jaxson is standing up on his paws, and eyeing down my Dad, "Finally, that took you long enough. Seeing you guys in pain is fun and all, but it was just getting repetitive."

I tilt my head, puppy like. What was his goal out of all of this? His two friends are dead.

"I got what I came for... For now. See you later, Lilly." And with that, he walks back into the forest.

Jaxson shifts back, too weak to hold his form any longer. He rushes over, his wounds starting to heal. I try to take a step towards him, but I'm unable to do so. My legs are wobbly, like I'm learning to walk for the first time.

Jaxson stops, looks confused, then a look of realization comes onto his face. "Little one, try to walk towards me. Your body has to get used to this form." Ignoring his private area, I lock eyes with him, and slowly make my way to him.

It takes a few minutes of trying, but finally I can walk. I feel so weak, so I don't know how long I can keep this up.

I feel the crunchy leaves under my paws,I hear a stream running a mile away. Everything is heightenedand I feel so in tune with nature.

Soon after exploring a few steps, I collapse on the ground, unable to hold myself up any longer. My legs are just so weak, I used all my energy protecting Jaxson.

He picks up my small form and sets off towards the pack doctor.

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