Day 2

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You wake up in the middle of the night and look around at your pitch black room as you slowly uncurl from you *safety sphere*. You then sit up and think "what time is it...?" you slowly then get up and feel aroumd your dark room for your desk lamp "now where could it-*BANG* found it" you had acsedently hit your shin off your desk. The collision made a loud bang echo throughout your room you then sit down at your desk and turn the lamp on "I dont wanna write a poem for the club but... I should atleast try" you say as you grab a pencil and paper. After about 2 minutes of thinking, rewriting, and many atemps later you got the poem done you raise your arms in the air and slugishly say "yayyy..." you then procide to pass out on the desk (night night (·u·() ) you wake up to the birds outside you lift your head up to see your poem you wrote for the club "well at least I tried" you say as you fold it up and put it in your pocket. You look at your clock it reads *6:23* only around 1 hour before school starts "time to get around" you say while stretching after that you get ready for school the essentials breakfast, clean set of clothes, ect. time to make your way to school. You grab your house key and say out loud "Im goin to school!" no one responds you then sigh and walk outside and lock the door behind you your watch reads *7:23* "shit gotta get goin before Im late!" you then run down the sidewalk twords the school and make it just barely enough not to be late. You walk over to your locker and put your bag in grabing all your stuff for your class and go to close your locker door but stop and just think you dont know what about but you just stand there frozen and thinking but you eventually snap out of it and close your locker door "that was... strange" you say while walking into class and siting at your seat. But then a sub walks as the bell rings "hello class Im Mr.Clare your teacher got sick today and Im just here to make shure you dont kill eachother so Ima put on Hulu and let you guys watch something" you pull out your notebook and open it while holding a pencil "in that case" you begin to doodle little characters you like to call SP or Sphere People they look like this (-_-)*why did you draw me* anyways the class is over you pack all your stuff into your binder and head to next class. Except thats when you bump into Yuri in the hall "oh hey uhhh Yuri right?" you ask "yea you got it right... did you do your poem for club today?" you respond with "yea I did it last night it took me a while but I got it done *I hope*" she smiles "ok then uhh see you at club!" before you could say anything else shes gone down though the crowd of people. You then make it to your next class which was History (now no one wanna know about you learinin history so Ima skip that and to the end of the day) you stand up from your seat "3...2...1" you point to the door and Sayori pokes her head in and says "(Y/N) ready for club?" in her usual happy tone "yea just gimmie a quick sec here" you start hastily trying to shove a notebook into your binder *come on just go in!* you begin to struggle with the notebook and Sayori comes over and taps you on the shoulder. You jump and look at her "need any help?" she asks you "no no I got this *I dont anyone to know about this*" you eventually get the notebook into your binder "alright lets go" you say Sayori makes a happy little sqeal noise and walks over to the door "hurrrrrryyyyy" she wines and you go over to her and begin to walk to the club room. You near the clubroom and stop right outside of it and hear arguing you look to Sayori worried and she walks in shutting the door behind you leaveing you out in the hall "whats going on?" you hear Sayori ask "wheres (Y/N)?" you hear Natsuki bark at her as you sit against the wall next to the door to the club room "hes out in the hall still" Sayori says "oh who could have guest! and why is he out there still?" Natsuki screams you get up and walk over to a bench over by a water fountain and sit down. Silence... its all quiet you cant hear the yelling anymore its all calm you begin to think about the club and if you should not go or not *I really like it there but I dont wanna cause problems...* just as you think that a memory you hate and try to keep secret pops into your head and brings you to tears *it was my fault* you think as you curl your legs to your chest and lay your head on them. After a little bit of crying you look up and calm down and start making your way back to the club room there is no arguing that you could hear in it so you walk in cautiously and sit down at a desk in the way back of the room no one noticed you walk in *Im invisible to everyone...* you think as you lay your head down and think of the song Subwoofer Lullaby that song always made you happy and calmed you down in the worst times. Once you begin to be laying your head down for a while you see Monika look around the room "hey Sayori? have you seen (Y/N) today?" she asked Natsuki chimes in "oh hes out in the hall" you always thought of her as a brat Monika sighs and gose out into the hall to see if your there you then get up and Yuri sees you "Monika (Y/N) is in here" she says you sit back down and cover your head with your arms to try and keep out noise and so that people cant see you.

*continued in next chapter*

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