Epilogue 6: Happily Ever After is a Choice

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"Get out of our way!" shouted Xi Ze as he cleared way for Didi and Yue, with the trolley of bags. "Why are there so many people at the airport today?"
Jia Qi was speed walking alongside him, saying "I believe many are here for the Peach Blossom festival. Oh! What a beautiful time to have babies!"

Didi wrapped his arms around Yue's shoulders as she was half walking and dragging her feet. Her face registered that she was in a lot of pain. "Just a little bit more Yue, we are almost to the car." Jia Qi said, turning to look at her. She nodded. The pain was almost unbearable. If Didi did not hold her, she would have slipped down to the floor.

They finally reached his car. Didi made her lie down on his lap as she was clutching her tummy, moaning softly. Beads of sweat appeared at the side of her temple. Didi kept wiping them off and clearing her bangs. "Step on it, Xi Ze but drive safe. I have called Dr Yang. They will standby for her."

Looking at Yue, he said softly "Yue, focus on your breathing like how we learnt at the ante-natal classes? Do you want me to sing a song to make you better? ARGHHHHH!!!" Yue suddenly squeezed his hand too strongly. "Okay, okay, I won't sing. I know it's off key." Didi responded, grimacing. Yue shook her head. "No...it's the pain...sing please." He started singing Love Confession. Yue's mind immediately flash-backed to their wedding day and his very shy look. She smiled, much to his relief. Their friends were checking the rear mirror constantly.

They arrived at the emergency room and Yue was immediately pushed into the labour room. Didi kissed her forehead before she left and smiled," I will be with you after I settle the documentation. We can do this." She smiled weakly as she disappeared into the room.

The midwife put a heart rate detector around her tummy and the contractions were strong and consistent. "Mrs Wang, you are already 5cm dilated. That is amazing for a new mother. We will wait for Dr Yang. Your babies will be here soon." The midwife smiled.

Didi came in a few minutes after that and held her hands. "I have asked Xi Ze to bring your hospital bag. Don't worry. Are you...is it very painful?" He asked. He did not know whether to feel happy that they would soon meet their babies or worried to see Yue going through the pain. She nodded and smiled weakly "Very very painful. It's the most painful thing I have ever endured." She squeezed her eyes tight when the next contraction came. "Didi...I know you are scared of blood too. You can stay outside."
"No," he said adamantly. "I will stay here. Maybe I will overcome my fear. I did with my heights, isn't it?"
"Just don't faint. I can't take care of you." she tried to joke. Didi started singing Love Confession again. Somehow his off key tune soothed her.

One hour later, Dr Yang walked in breezily and greeted the couple. "Mr. and Mrs. Wang! Are you ready to meet your babies?" Why is this doctor so cool? Didi thought. His heart was racing uncontrollably. "Yes, we are ready. How long more does she need to wait?" Didi asked.

Dr. Yang smiled as she checked her monitor and Yue's dilation. "She is now at 8cm. Her water bag broke that is why her dilation is quick. And the pain intensified. We will start once she reaches 10 cm. Do you want to stay here?" Didi nodded.

Turning to Yue, she asked, "Are you sure you don't need epidural?" Earlier, Yue had told her that she would not want an epi so she could experience the pain. But this pain was......TOO MUCH TO BEAR! She whispered "Please give me epi, doctor. I don't think I can take it." Dr Yang touched her forehead. "You can. You are strong. But an epi will make it much more pleasant." Yue felt the pain subsided significantly after the admission was given. Her breathing slowed down a little.

Dr Yang called her staff in and they started to prep Yue and Didi. "Mr Wang, you hold her hands. Mrs Wang, when I say push, you push. Like how you would erm...do your big motion." She winked and wore her gloves. "Oh, I can see the head. Now, 1,2,3 PUSH!!"

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