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Astrid was stressing about the game and for only one reason. She was going off the team if they lost. And she knew if they did indeed loose, she'd loose all hope of playing for Puddlemere United. She'd loose all hope for her future.

"What's the matter Black? I've never seen you so stressed about a game before." Marcus had commented and she sighed. "Even with that one against Hufflepuff."

"Snape told me he'll take me off the team if we loose. For good." She said after awhile. The entire team, who had been talking, immediately quieted down and paid attention to the very much worried girl.

"He can't do that!" Marcus roared but Astrid only shook her head. "Have you any idea as to why he would do that?"

"No." Astrid truthfully answered. She didn't know why he would do such a thing but she felt as though it was connected to her father. Everything now made sense. Even though Snape had denied it, Astrid knew he treated her bad because of Sirius. "I have my suspicions though."

Marcus pulled on her sleeve, forcing her to look at him. She didn't want to look at him. She didn't want anybody to see the thick wall of tears blurring her vision. "Tell us." He demanded.

Astrid blinked and the tears fell like rivulets down her now red cheeks. "No, it's stupid." She sniffed, pushing past him and summoned her broom to her and walked out to the Quidditch Pitch.

She prayed that they could win the game.

But of course, the universe hated Astrid. Fifteen minutes into the game, she had already scored ten goals, Marcus had scored twenty and Gryffindor had only twenty points by now. Astrid then dodged a Bludger that was headed her way and nearly fell off her broom, she managed to keep her balance and whacked the Quaffle out of Angelina's hands and passed it to Marcus, who grinned at her, already confident that they were going to win.

However, the universe truly hated Astrid. The very same Bludger she dodged, came hurtling back at her and this time, however, she was too slow to move out the way and the Bludger whacked her on the head.

As she spinned to the ground, she swore she heard Snape laughing.


Astrid opened her tired eyes only to find Draco and her uncle Lucius by her bedside. She tried to sit up and open her mouth to ask them what in Merlin's beard were they doing in her room. She then remembered the game, Marcus grinning at her and then the Bludger she took to the head.

"Astrid!" Draco cried, crushing into her with a hug. He let go when he heard her groan.

"Astrid, you've had us all worried. Narcissa unfortunately couldn't make it, but she is however aching to know how you are." Lucius said, shooing Draco out the chair and sitting down. Draco sat by Astrid's feet. "How are you dear?"

"My head is killing me." She groaned, clutching her bandaged head. She suddenly gasped in pain when Draco wriggled on the bed. She threw the blankets off and saw her bandaged right leg. "My leg — what — ow! Draco!" She slapped him behind the head.

"Dear me, I forgot to mention that you landed at a rather odd angle. Hence you broke your right leg and sprained your wrist." She then noticed the thick bandage around her hand and wrist.

"I'm pretty banged up then." She muttered and both Lucius and Draco nodded.

"Your friends have been coming to check on you, even Potter and his misfits." Draco snarled.

"Now now Draco." Lucius said in a disapproving tone. Draco rolled his eyes when Lucius averted his eyes from him and smiled at the approaching Madam Pomfrey. "Astrid is awake."

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