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With the help of Sirius, Astrid bought Oliver a new broom and delivered it herself. Oliver couldn't believe it, he hugged her and kissed her none stop.

"Thank you so much!" He engulfed her in another hug. They were currently in the greenhouses, as Astrid had to grab a few flowers of the Moly plant for Snape. She need a vial of the Dreamless Sleep Potion and decided to do this for him, since he was busy.

They had gotten into a fight about the potion, which resulted in Astrid earning a detention. Snape felt like Astrid shouldn't take the potion anymore but Snape would never understand why she feared her dreams. The scene had completely changed now. Sirius looked healthier in this one, and at first, she deemed it a nice dream. She shouldn't have. He spun around and fought with a woman Astrid recognized as Bellatrix. She killed him and he disappeared into what seemed like a veil. The dream always ends with Astrid diving in and accidentally pulling someone in with her. That someone ends up being Oliver.

"You're welcome love." She winked at him and he chuckled. Once Astrid got the flowers, she and Oliver left the greenhouses. Astrid suddenly turned around to face Oliver. "Hey Ollie, never forget that I love you okay? And that I'll do anything to protect you from harm." Oliver was about to ask her why she would tell him something he already knew but Astrid crashed her lips against his and Oliver had no choice but to kiss back.

"Why does it sound like you're leaving?" Oliver asked when she pulled away. Astrid sighed.

"Harry was right. I do know where my dad is." Oliver's eyes went wide. "But I'm not leaving completely, I'm just going to help him get on his feet again, okay?" Oliver nodded and kissed her one last time.


Astrid thanked Snape for the potion and walked away from him. She made her way to the dungeons and saw Draco doing his homework, Crabbe and Goyle nearby.

"You guys need help?" She asked as she plunged herself next to Goyle, which was the only seat open. Goyle shyly shook his head. Crabbe nodded, pointing at his Transfiguration essay. "Oh I remember this one." Astrid hummed. "It's a spell used to transfigure books into mice, or any object really into mice."

Crabbe thanked the girl with a sweet he stole from some first year kid and Astrid happily took it. Draco didn't need help this time and Astrid sighed, clasping her pale hand around his ghost like one. He looked at her.

"I'm sorry about everything you know? Aunt Cissy, uncle Lucius, Dobby, just everything."

"It wasn't your fault." His voice said otherwise but Astrid dismissed it. She sighed, letting go of his hand.

"You might be a prick Draco, but you're my prick and I love you." If Draco had known it would be the last time he saw cousin Astrid, he would've told her the same and even hugged her. But all he did was give a loud snort of laughter and told her to grow up. Astrid knew Goyle had a crush on her still so she leant towards him and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Astrid now stood at the tree, backpack filled with food. She suddenly heard screaming coming from the opening and she rushed forward but was stopped by a gruff hand. She looked back, it was Snape. He raised his finger to his mouth and slipped through the opening, Astrid followed him. She landed painfully again, this time, it was her ankle. Snape wasted no time in going to confront Sirius. Unfortunately for Astrid, she could not move or hear what they were saying.

After what seemed like hours, Astrid saw them come into view, Harry and Sirius were helping Ron walk and Astrid noticed his bloody leg. She shook her head at her dad and he hung his head. She noticed Peter Pettigrew being pushed forward by Remus. Astrid gasped, both her uncles and her dad?

"Do you need help Ell?" Remus asked and the girl immediately nodded, gingerly standing up with the help of Remus and Hermione.

"It seems like you always get a way to get hurt." Hermione mused and Astrid pouted. "You got hurt three times already."

"I do look after myself, at least I try." She shrugged as they finally got out and Astrid stood next to Ron as they helped each other stand.

"Oh no." Remus said, glancing at the others with a sad face. Astrid didn't know what was wrong. Peter waved at them excitedly before Remus changed and Astrid realized what was wrong. Remus was a werewolf.

Snape was suddenly in front of them, trying to protect them from Remus, who was growling and slashing his claws at the air. Astrid and Sirius locked eyes and Astrid immediately shook her head. She pushed Snape aside and limped to her father.

"Dad! Please no!" He sighed and Astrid saw him take his Animagus form and started battling Remus. Astrid felt tears flow down her cheeks and she wiped them away. "Dad!" She yelled when Remus slapped him hard on his ribs, she heard Sirius whimper in pain. "Stupefy! Stupefy! Stupefy! STUPEFY!"

Remus staggered a bit as Harry ran after Sirius, Remus' ears suddenly perked up and he ran off. Astrid saw Hermione run off, after Harry. Astrid then fell to the floor and cried, she felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked back to see Ron struggling to sit next to her.

"It's going to be alright Astrid." He assured her but she couldn't believe him. Sirius might be dead or seriously injured, Harry and Hermione dove right into the chaos and her favorite uncle Remus was a werewolf. Nothing can ever be alright. "We should probably go to Madam Pomfrey's."

She just nodded and with the help of Snape, they stood up and limped slowly all the way back to the Castle.


Astrid was awake, she fell asleep at some point because when she opened her eyes, Dumbledore was talking to Harry and Hermione. She couldn't really make it out, her brain was still fuzzy.

She fell asleep again because when she opened her eyes, Harry and Hermione stood next to Ron and Oliver and a very pale Cedric were hovering above her.

"Do I look like shit?" She asked in a croaky voice. Oliver laughed but it was clear he had been crying, his eyes were red, as well as Cedric's. "You and Tulsa still at it lover boy?"

"No, and I'm sorry for being a dick." Cedric sighed and Astrid smiled at him.

"You've done worse." They all chuckled and Oliver placed a kiss on her cheek. "I'm not coming back." Everything went silent and Cedric shook his head.

"But it's your last year next year!" Cedric shrieked and Astrid sighed, she shouldn't have said anything. Cedric wouldn't understand. He has lived with his mother and father his entire life. He won't know how it feels to yearn for a mother, he won't know how it feels to yearn for your father, he won't know how it feels to yearn for a real family. But Astrid just kept quiet and silently hoped that these last few hours would just speed by.

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