Meanwhile, Donna's driving Jackie to the interview
J: Donna, when Eric returned here, I think he will propose you and you were all the day doing it. But now, I really think that Eric wants to spend all his life as if he had 16 years old: lives with his parents, spends all the day with her friends in the basement and have her redhead girlfriend next door (in this story, Donna never changes her hair)
D: It's very weird I say this to you, but I agree you Jackie. Now is true that I don't want engaged him too soon, but at least that he does something to prove me that he still want to spend his life with me and have a future together, I don't want to give him ultimatum because that never end well (they remember how Kelso run away to California when Jackie and he were engaged or how Hyde married a stripper after Jackie,Kelso and the ultimatum). But I do something better, say him I want to wait to do it. I know he doesn't know to much about relationships, but shortly he guess that I want to know how is our relationship and he proves me or not he has change.
J: You sound like me!! Well, now that I have Fez, my perfect man, and a perfect work, or that is what I expect, I have everything for my happiness!!
D: Yes, but you always want marriage and kids, no?
J: Oh that, yes but I want to wait a little and prepare our lives for the next step(sound nervous)
D: Ah, okay, well we're here.
They go to the interview and told Jackie that she has get the job, and she was talking all the drive to Forman's house how inependant she'is , like Hyde said.
In the basement, there're Hyde and Eric
J: Hey guys, where is Kelso and Fez?
H: Kelso has forgotten again how to go home and Fez is helping him.
D: It's the fith time in this week!
E: I know, Donna, can you go with me to talk alone?
D: Yeah sure.
They go to his bedroom
E: Donna, I was thinking why you want to wait and I realize that we haven't done 'the talk' an I want to say you that I want to spend my life with you and I am looking jobs like teacher for leaves this house and soon, engage you.
D: Oh eric, I know you will do something and now I don't want wait more.
They do it, while in the basement.( When Hyde is talking with Jackie, he change the H to S because she call him Steven)
J: I'm sure they are doing it, but I can't say my new to Eric.
S: What's new?(worried that Fez has propose her soon)
S: Oh, that's great Jackie!
J: Seriously, you're happy for me? That's mean a lot Steven...
Fez and Kelso arrive at home
J: Kelso, what are you doing here? I think you forget the way to your home and Fez was helping you.
F: Yeah (relieved to be covered up) but I forget too the way and we'd returned here. How is the interview?
J: Perfect, I got the job! I am an independant women that doesn't need the help of anybody else, I am strong enough with myself ( Hyde give Fez a look 'I told you')
F: This is perfect , to celebrate, I think you and I could go to a elegant restaurant.
K: Well, I don't know if I can't, I have to take care of Betsy and...
H: He ask Jackie, not you, knucklehead.
J: I love to go with you. I have to prepare, so goodbye guys and tell me later about Donna and Eric.
Our Last Oportunity
Fanfic6 months after season 8, Hyde is more and more jealous about Jackie and Fez relationship but still hide his feelings. Fez is so in love with Jackie that he will propose her, Jackie loves Fez, but in her heart she knows that she misses someone...