Omega Lullaby

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I was very relieved when I was allowed back into comfortable clothes.

An oversized sweater and some soft pants. Stretching my arms above my head I spun around in my room before going to the window looking up.

The moon had risen significantly through out the evening and it now shone brightly in the sky.

My eyes grew large at the sight of it. Back home, it looked so distant, covered in clouds.

But here it was almost as if I could open the window and reach out to it.

Before I knew it, my eyes were half closed and my mouth open as I softly spoke to the moon, a melody leaving my throat and it danced through my room, just me and the music in my mind that I let out around me. It had been so long since I'd done so, I lost myself to it.

I didn't even hear the knock at my door until someone tapped my shoulder making me jump. When I turned to see who was behind me, a smile appeared without my permission, and I smiled at Kale.

He returned the expression before looking out my window and I looked down a bit sheepishly. He was wearing a loose T-shirt and what looked to be pajama pants, which also looked very comfortable.

"I'm glad you like it, back at your cottage, you didn't really have a lot of windows, I thought you'd appreciate the view." He spoke softly, almost as if he wasn't supposed to be here. It sent small chills up my back.

I hummed softly. "It is beautiful."

"I heard you singing, I didn't know you liked to sing." A bright blush spread over my face as I tensed.

"I don't sing, not very well." I shook my head, trying to step around him. He stopped me by simply putting his hand against the wall, blocking my path.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you." He apologized quickly and I looked up at him shyly and then back at the window.

"Don't be, I do like to sing. I just haven't in a very long time."

"Why is that?" He asked as I stepped closer to the window, leaning my arms on the sill.

"I don't know, I guess I was just afraid of...being heard."

Kale was staring at me, I could feel his eyes on me, and I didn't blame him, it was a weird thing to be afraid of.

"I see."

I blinked in surprise, looking over my shoulder at him when he wrapped his arms behind me in a hug. He set his chin on my shoulder, still looking out the window. I quickly looked out the window also, my cheeks burning.

"I'm not really very musically talented, but I understand. You don't really like attention all that much."

I nodded, it was true after all.

"You can keep singing if you want, I'd like to hear you sing. If you don't it's fine." He told me and I saw him close his eyes out of the corner of my vision.

I swallowed a bit nervously and looked out the window.

After a little while, I became more comfortable, hearing his soft breathing next to me and his arms wrapped warmly around me. The moon was still shining brightly as I started humming softly. I didn't sing, not fully, but the Hums seemed enough for the both of us.

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