2 - sans.

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"hiya. back here for more spaghetti?" Sans asked. Frisk considered this. They weren't here for much more reason to help Ic with his lessons to to Temmies on grammar. Papyrus looked proudly at his spaghetti as he began to eat it. Ic looked at the clock. "Temmies are late today. You can leave, Frisk". Frisk was about to leave just as their legs got assaulted by 13 temmies "iS ThIS CoRRECt GRaMMar, iCe?" they said in unison. Ic nodded. "oK!" said temmie. "Why am I always getting dragged into this?" said Bob as he left. Frisk decided that the temmies have learned enough about spelling and grammar. 

"I'll just... eat some spaghetti". Papyrus jumped at this.

"REALLY HUMAN? GREAT!" he said as he set up a plate. Frisk happily accepted.

"Hey, Sans" they said through full mouth. "Remember Asriel?"

"the prince? yah YAWN" sans replied.

"Yes. Remember when he took your souls?" 

No response. They looked to see sans, sleeping on the couch. 

"Sans! Ha ha... should I say something 'humerus' to get you up?" 

"lame.. heard it before" sans said in his sleep. Frisk thought this was funny. 

"Ha ha... I don't want to let go" Frisk jumped. Ic closed his eyes and worked his magic, trying to keep holding something he owned. Frisk took notice. temmie wanted Ic's thing. Ic got it back and opened his eyes and saw Frisk looking at him. 

"What're YOU looking at?" Ic said jokingly. He liked to be sarcastically rude when he felt like it. Papyrus said he should go to training with Undyne. He called Undyne and, ironically, he found himself in a phone-call with himself. He remembered that he and Undyne shared a phone. So he walked to his secret friend: The Riverperson.

"Tra la la. Care for a ride?" asked the Riverperson. 

"YES." said Papyrus. And he rode to Waterfall and got ready for one of Riverpersons' weird sayings. 

"Tra la la. Someone you know misses someone you don't know.Or actually, you do know. But not in their form today." Papyrus has never heard this before. He thought of everyone he knew, only to be interrupted by the sudden stop of the boat. 

"Have a nice day. Tra la la" He went to training. He came back. It was night. He slept.

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