Chapter -: 4

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When recommendations was over i decided to go to fried chicken place because who doesn't love chicken?
I was almost towards it when I noticed familiar red wings in the sky.
"No way"
I whispered and started chasing after them . The funny thing is that we were both going the same direction.
I yelled out waving my hands in the air .
He turned around and started walking towards me with a wide grin in his face
"Hey princess what's up!?"
"Nothing much just finished recommendations at u.a and now I'm here"
I noticed how he tilted his head slightly which means he was  confused.
"I thought you were going to the entrance exams?"
He questioned
"But I understand why you chosen recommendations."
He smiled
"Yeah , and did my uncle tell you about the new thing about my quirk "
He nodded with the same grin on his face
"Of course he did that's why I'm surprised that you didn't do the exams"
I sighed and smiled
"Well aren't you hungry?"
I asked
"Of course I am this is the best place to get fried chicken , I wouldn't waste my hunger over some nothing special chicken "
He chuckled
"Well lets go in , food is on me today!!"
He pumped his arms in the air then put them back of his head

"What would you like to order today ?"
A waitress came up to us and I noticed how she was looking at hawks with the typical fan girl drool
"What's the best chicken you have?"
Hawks said putting his index finger on his chin looking at the menu
"Umm well I would suggest the chicken that speaks to you more "
She said having a huge smile
"Hey y/n , choose for me you always pick the best chicken"
Hawks chuckled
"Umm sir I think you should ch-"
She was cut off by hawks
"No no no my friend here will pick for me okay cutie"
He teased with showing his teeth
Making the waitress blush
'Damn hawks using your looks to your advantage I see , talk about carefree'
"Umm I think we should try the chicken and rice combo it was your favorite chicken combo for me to make you"
I smirked seeing that hawks had this 'oh shit don't say ' look on his face
"Umm of course I will be right back "
The waitress walked away
"Man y/n , you still have that spark "
I looked at him confused and tilted my head
"What do you mean?"
I asked
"I mean ever since I met you when you were little , you were always full of a spark . I don't know how to explain except it just makes the world turn a different direction y'know"
He said and then started to look around
"Come on where's our chicken ,I'm starving"
I smiled
"Well we sure are not leaving a tip"
And just as I said that the waitress came and gave us our chicken
"Here you go , and it's on the house "
She left with an annoyed look on her face
"Do you think she heard us?"
"I believe she did princesses "
Time skip
"Thanks for dinner hawks , but I felt like the chicken wasn't really the best"
He nodded his heAd
"I agree , talk about a place with the 'best chicken in the world'"
Hawks said and then stopped
"Y/n did you hear that?"
I was about to say something until I felt something hot and it came from the ally we just passed 15 feet from us
"Y/n I don't want you to get hurt get out of here"
Hawks then dashed towards the ally I could feel the flames from here.
And I noticed people running as the flames started to get larger.
'Hawks....' was the only thought I had and then I ran towards the ally to only see hawks injured on the ground and this villain with marks on his face and arm smirking down at him
"Looks like the little bird has fallen from the sky"
I ran towards hawks and stepping in-front of him crying
"Don't you dare ,hurt my friend"

{A princess doesn't cry} bnha x reader (discountinued)Where stories live. Discover now