Chapter 6-:

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Hello I wanted to make a new chapter six because you guys deserve better !! Anyways enjoy
Dabi's pov:
I was on my bed in my room which was located in a old abandoned apartment building just think about that girl.
'A quirk that can show someone or maybe herself their greatest dreams'
I kept wondering about that and about her, I wondered about how her quirk could be use for my benefit but then again she was friends with a that bird.
I got up and went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.
"I wonder if she saw my dream ? Would she see me as someone different?"
I traced my hand down from my chin to my neck just looking at the scars I had.
And then a thought cane in my head.
"What if she can bring my dream to
I felt puzzled and then started to think of her again.
'She was sort of pretty, Especially with that fear in her eyes'
I smirked thinking back to what happened.
"Remember my face , because you will see me soon"
" should keep that promise, her quirk will make me feel so much pleasure and maybe even her"
I chuckled thinking about (nsfw) thoughts I could have with Her.
"She must be going to U.A , so that's where I will find her. just follow her."
I went back to my bed and lasted down
"What was her name again?"
I recalled when I left the alley I heard that hero say her name was y/n.

"Well , I'm going to find her soon"
Y/n pov
I was walking home from the hospital without my uncle because he had to do some hero business for hawks..
As I made my way towards the park right by my house I noticed that man I saw before but he was just staring at me... I decided to keep on walking cause (a) creepy man staring at a girl from a distance is a no no and (b) I'm not trying to get kidnapped today.
As I walked only three steps.
"Hey y/n where you going I wanted to talk to you."
I stopped in my tracks.
'Oh sweet baby shrek on fire why the fuck would want to talk to me?!!!!'
A whole bunch of red flags were going off in my head and with that I didn't noticed how he creeped up behind me.
"You're scared aren't you?"
He whispered in my ear which caused me to whip my whole body around to face him.
...his eyes are so red ...
"U-Um hi... do you need something?"
I questioned him but he began to grin as creepy as he could.
"I just wanted to know what your quirk is, that's all"
He stated.
I decided to give him a fake name for it
"Dream scape"
I said
"It's where I can either show someone their greatest dream or nightmare or make their dream or nightmare come to
I shouldn't have said that ..
"My that's a rather odd quirk to haveY/n's pov
I was a nervous wreck when I told the man my quirk. His eyes were so red staring at me and the grin on his face.
"Well y/n , your quirk is odd but seems to be very powerful"
He said the last word with a sound of greed in his voice as if my quirk was something good even though I lied about.
"Umm what's your name ?"
He started coming closer to me . close enough for my face to feel his breathe on my neck.
"Tomura shigaraki, is my name my dear. So pleasure to meet such a beautiful and powerful quirk holder"
Tomuras pov:
Such a odd girl , when she first met me she didn't seem scared but the fear in her eyes that I see , I would like to see more often especially from her.
"So now that you know my name , I have something to s-"
She cut me off
"Look I really have to go home now"
She said and started walking away
I was starting to get a bit disappointed until she turned around .
"It was nice talking to you shigaraki "
She smiled so cutely more than before
"Your so beautiful "
"Uuhh I said the world pitiful"
I looked down at the ground embarrassing myself
'Why do I say such things'
"In a way it is"
I looked up surprised at what she said and I began to grin like a Cheshire Cat
"How so?"
I asked
"I mean there is always tragedy, dispares and loss but in the end it is considered pitiful but that doesn't mean the world isn't that bad , sometimes people just have to make it a better place without doing things for glory and selfishness"
She said smiling
"That's how i use to feel"
I whispered to myself hoping that she wouldn't hear it.
"Well see ya later"she stil had that smile that seemed to make anyone's day and left
"Your the oddest person I've ever known y/n"

Y/n's pov
"Oh god I should get home faster."
I was running to my house trying to beat the sunset hoping that my uncle wouldn't get mad and that I still had some pizza in fridge.
15 minutes passed and I finally made it to my house
"Thank god"
I was about to open the door until my phone buzzed
Sleepyhead uncle 😴😴: hey I'm coming home late , there's some hero business I have to deal with so don't wait up for me. And also there's a package on the kitchen table it's for the neighbors right across the street give it to them and say it's for shinsou.
I nodded
"Oh that's the boy he's been training right?"
I opened the door and went straight towards the kitchen table and grab that package like @$$.
I went across the street and rang the door bell
And heard a loud tump followed by a
"God damnit"
And then the door opened to reveal a boy with fluffy purple hair and dark circles under his eyes.

"Uuhh hi , you must be shinsou"
He nodded
"Yeah , but what do you want?"
"You train with aizawa aka Eraserhead right?"
His eyes lit up
"Oh shit yeah ? Is that package for me?"
I nodded
"Yeah and it's kinda heaven"
I said as I was about to fall over on back until he grabbed my arm
"Yeah it's some weights, I asked him to order it because of the upcoming exams"
I nodded
"I see well good luck, you seem like you will a great hero in the world" i smiled and then noticed that he looked surprised.
"How can you say things like that when you don't even know me?"
I was about to respond until I realized I still had the package in hands and fell over on my back.
Shinsou's pov.
"Oh shit ? Sorry"
I took the weights out of her arms and lifted her up
"Are you okay!"
I said and started looking for any bruises on her arms
"Yes I'm fine "
She smiled so pretty.
"How do you know Eraserhead anyway?"
"Oh we're related and we live together"
'So he's her dad I assume , funny he never mentioned having a daughter but then again I can understand why . He must be so over protective of her'
"Your hair is so fluffy can I touch it!"
She asked with sparkles in her eyes
'Cute '
"Of course you can just don't pull"
I said and bowed my head down to reach her height. And surprising she was so gentle it almost felt good.
"Wow it's so soft"
I heard her say and I couldn't help but want her to keep
On doing what she's doing.
"Your so gentle"
I said and then realized of what I said And was about to go full on panic mode.
"I was taught to be that way and I'm done"
"Umm anyways thanks for the package and what's your name?"
She tilted her head
"Y/n aizawa see ya later."
She said and then walked off.
"She was nice and pretty"
I caught myself and then slapped my face
"Damnit I just met her today"
And then I closed my door and went upstairs.

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