Forbidden Love x part 6

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I ran to the bathroom and sobbed on the floor. All I could think about was that everyone in my Spanish class knew about my crush on Eddie. Soon, it would spread around the whole school and everyone would know. The whole Bowers situation would get even worse. I looked up as I heard a familiar voice call for me. As I looked up, I saw the boy that started it all.... Edward Kaspbrak. "Are you okay Richie?" He sounded worried and concerned for me. I wiped away my tears and answered.
"Yeah I'm fine. But it's not the end of class yet. Why are you out of Spanish?"
"I left. Everyone was looking at me and talking about you and I looked at them, stood up and said 'fuck you' and left"
"YOU FUCKING WHAT?!" I was so surprised. This wasn't something Eddie would do. He laughed
"Yeah. Well you know id do anything for you Tozier. And I hated hearing all those mean things about you being spread around me like a disease." Wow. I completely fell for him right there and then.
"Really? You'd do anything for me?"
"Hell yeah!" He said as he sat next to me on the BATHROOM FLOOR! A germaphobe on a bathroom
"Wow you really would do anything, you're sitting on a bathroom floor."
"Yeah. Kinda gross" he laughed.
"Hey I'm so sorry for what happened in class. I just wanna forget about it. Do you wanna crash at mine today? Parents aren't home and they fully trust me so they left all the alcohol out."
"I've never actually drunk alcohol.."
"Seriously? Ooh boy you've been missing out! We can invite the other losers if you want or it could just be us?"
"We never actually hang out just us two so I think it should only be us." I can't believe he said that after what he just heard in Spanish class. Oh well. Ain't no complaints. We planned to meet at lunch and fake being sick so we could go early.


I saw Mike in the cafeteria queue and joined him as I got a tray and started piling food onto my plate. "Did you finally find Eddie?"
"Yeah. After years of searching." I joked. Mike and I got our food and walked over to the losers table. I could see Bev, Ben, Bill, Stan and Eddie. I sat down with mike and smiled at Eddie. I was ready for an awesome night of drinking, smoking, and full on mayhem.

HELLOOOOOO! I hope you like this and I'll probably stop moonlit heaven for now! Love youuuu! 💕💕💕💕r1ch13_sucks

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